The Japan Timesbusiness記事から「気になる表現(生保編)」を拾ってみよう。

Revenues tumble at major life insurers. (Thursday, May 31, 2007)

20063月期の国内大手生命保険9社の保険料収入premium revenues)は落ち込んだ。その理由として、保険金の不払い(an failure to properly pay out benefits)による生保業界に対する信頼が揺らいだ(revaluations)ことを上げることができる。

★ビジネス用語:premium revenues, which indicate a life insurer’s sales


The Financial Service Agency ordered the company to partially suspend operations for failing to pay out legitimate insurance claims.

Google: legitimate insurance claims

insurance claimで「保険金請求」。legitimateは「本来受取ることができる」と解釈していいのだろうか。適訳を探すこと。



The life insurer set aside 2 billion yen for business 2006 and another 3 billion yen for the current business year to cover the costs of dealing with the nonpayment cases.


少子高齢化(the falling population and aging society)は、保険契約者の減少と保険金の支払い(payouts)の増加を意味(translate into)し、生保業界にとっては今後も厳しい環境が続く。

死亡保障保険ニーズの低下が続く中、成長分野と目されていた医療・介護保険(medical and nursing coverage)の販売も振るわなかった。既に飽和状態(be saturated)ともいわれている。

However, a better market environment helped the companies recoup some of the losses they suffered.


★未知との遭遇:recoupto get back an amount of money you have lost or spent:「取り戻す、埋め合わせる」






fiscal year:「会計年度」(政府・自治体)。「事業年度、営業年度」(民間企業)

1 the 12 month period used by governments to calculate spending and how much tax a person or business must pay

2 American English the 12 month period over which a company calculates its profits or losses

British Equivalent: financial year

創業以来の事業年度数:business period, business year, 105th accounting period


Our fiscal year runs from April 1 of each to March 31 of the following year.



日本企業の場合、2005年度といえば、2005年の4月に始まり翌年3月末(fiscal year ending/ended March 200620063月期)に終わる1年を指す。日本式の2005年度に相当するのはFY2006になる。

FY2006 first Quarter (April 1, 2005 through June 30, 2005):「2005年度第1四半期」

決算期:fiscal year end, fiscal year end date, year end date

年初来:year to date


Figures are year to date as of November 22, 2006.


For the year to date, sales have grown 10%.


to date: up to now

前年比:year to year, year over year, from a year earlier, from a year ago

XYZ delivered a 28 percent year-to-year increase in ESP for the full year.


Quarterly operating income increased 15.9 percent year over year to a record $1.1 billion.


Our stock price is nearly 100% up from a year ago/earlier.
