The First Lesson | 長久手☆天白区 バランスボール Kayo's

長久手☆天白区 バランスボール Kayo's

Fun balance ball exercises for all

The first lesson of balance ball exercise will be held on


Sep. 11th  9:30am - 11:00am

 at yoga&maintenance studio Forest park

 Address:: 17 Yoshiike Nagakute-city Aichi, inside of  O-BABY




All ages and sex will be welcome

You can bring your children too


The first lesson special price:  1,000 yen 

     (including ball rental fee and insurance)

Normal price for one lesson is 2,000 yen


What is balance ball exercise?

This aerobic exercise created from physical therapy

so anyone can enjoy!

We do this exercise with music so it's fun too


Fall season is arriving and it's good season to start

Would you like to join my lesson and spend refreshed

sunday morning?

My lesson will include some work out and stretches

and it's not hard exercises

You will enjoy even this would be the first time to do
balance ball exercise.


For reservation:

Please send an email to


I am looking forward to seeing you!