新世界秩序の公式な用語 | 若干蛇足



Zep Tepi/オシリス/年/Novus目Seclorum/新世界秩序/グローバリゼーションの黄金時代/新オーダーのはじめて。

WASHINGTON ?? Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said Sunday that the country is "on the edge of a golden age of prosperity," describing the current economic slowdown as an "adjustment period."

"If we do not follow the dictates of our inner moral compass and stand up for human life, then his lawlessness will threaten the peace and democracy of the emerging new world order we now see, this long dreamed-of vision we've all worked toward for so long." -- President George Bush (January 1991)

The New World Order program has been on the drawing board for many decades, despite denials and smears from the proponents, the insidious world domination and control preparations continue being set in place, the secretive terms of One World, New World Order, New International Economic Order etc have now been replaced with the more public term of Globalization.

In hundreds of books, articles, and speeches in the 20th century, many influential and powerful people, including many in Congress, have called for a New World Order, and the surrender of U.S. sovereignty and individual freedoms to a one world government, usually involving the U.N. military and the transfer of it to a one world U.N. army. TREASON: THE NEW WORLD ORDER By Author Gurudas

"Lets forgive the Nazi war criminals" (George Bush, New York Times, April, 14, 1990)

1993 December 20. George Bush was knighted by the Queen on as a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. This was for his leadership in the Gulf War, when he sent American solders to die for England's interest of their petroleum in Kuwait. Order Of The Garter

Circumstantial evidence suggesting that then vice-president George Bush may have been involved with the attempt on the life of former President Reagan... the close connections between the family of convicted would-be assassin John Hinckley and the Bush family as well as Hinckley's Nazi background. David Emory's Talk Radio (On NAZIs)

I personally have learned of a few related incidents. I have come across reports of National Guardsmen undergoing specialized house-to-house search and seizure training and urban warfare tactics. I was also told that two men who managed to sneak into a Federal military plane 'graveyard' outside of Phoenix, Arizona had came across several freight train box-cars in which they discovered what they estimated to be from 2 to 3 million brand-new SHACKLES that were apparently being stored there, just waiting to be used! Civil War Is About To Begin In The United States

The extent of the American Government's [the corporate fascist military-industrial 'government' as opposed to the Constitutional or electorate 'government'] betrayal of her citizens can be further evidenced in the fact that these Chinese and Russian forces are RECEIVING PAYMENT FOR THEIR PRE-INVASION ACTIVITIES THROUGH THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND... ISSUED ON AMERICAN GOVERNMENT CHECKS. In anticipation of the coming invasion from Russia and China [and German - U.N forces, etc.] Canada has even gone so far as to disband its Western Coast Guard Division, thus they are open to amphibious invasion of America from the West. This was openly evidenced recently through the presentation of a documentary report over the BBC television in London which detailed amphibious assault forces practicing war maneuvers and strategy in the Formosa Straits. When BBC newsmen were permitted to interview these soldiers in training, they repeatedly asked them the following question. "What are you preparing to use this training for?" The shocking, consistent reply was "FOR THE COMING INVASION OF AMERICA!" When it became clear that a gaff in security was created by airing this broadcast over television in England, its scheduled re-broadcast for the next day in London was hastily canceled. The Final Invasion Of The United States

1983 Peter Hoagland, Nebraska State Senator and Humanist, speaking on radio in 1983 with the great American Pastor and Patriot Everett Silevan said: "Fundamental, Bible believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate their children in their religious beliefs because we, the state, are preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be part of a one world global society and their children will not fit in."

As I walked through the crowd toward Reagan, I saw familiar faces associated with the "Order of the Rose." ("The Order of the Rose" was an emblem of those ushering in the New World Order. "Orders from the Rose" were orders from George Bush.) Across the room, Bill and Bob Bennett were laughing with Dick Cheney. Then Governor of Pennsylvania. Dick Thornburgh was engaged in conversation with Arlen Spector. Within the farthest reaches of my expanded peripheral vision, I saw George Bush talking with his U.N. confidant Madeleine Albright. (Reagan first introduced me to U.N. Ambassador Madeleine Albright as "my mentor" in Jesuit operations in the Caribbean.) Knowing I could see him as though I had eyes in the back of my head, Bush subtly signaled me to join them. "You know Madeleine Albright," Bush began. Expertly using terminology from previously instilled Catholic Jesuit beliefs, he continued, "She's the reverend mother of all sisters (slaves). She's so close to God that an order from her is an order from him." Albright snickered, apparently impressed with Bush's "witty" manipulation of program verbiage. "She rose in the U.N. through me to implement the New World peace process." (Trance Formation of America, The true life story of a CIA Mind Control Slave by Cathy O'Brien, pg 176)

According to some insiders, the New World Order would already be history if they didn't fear the possibility of an honest & constitutional U.S. Military. http://www.militarycorruption.com/  

The Judas attitude of the Administration is symbolized in an article written by Bill Clinton's very close friend, Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, titled: "The Birth of the Global Nation." Talbott strongly attacked American national sovereignty, stating: "NATIONAL AS WE KNOW IT WILL BE OBSOLETE: ALL STATES WILL RECOGNIZE A SINGLE, GLOBAL" (666) "AUTHORITY," (7\20/92 Time Magazine).

The Zionists?the Jesuits are the Great Zionists. They control all of the historical High Zionists?Theodor Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir. Zionism is a Masonic term, coined by the Jesuits. They are the rulers; they are the Protocols; they are the Elders of Zion. So the Zionists are, indeed, evil and wicked; but they are controlled by Rome. The Jews are not all Zionists. Black Pope

The foreign troops are coming, which was the goal of Oslo to begin with. At Genoa, today, Bush agreed to bring the UN-NATO troops to Israel. Tomorrow he meets the pope to sanctify the end of Israel's hegemony. Tonight three Arabs were murdered by "Jews," which is short for "Shabak." The troops, we will be told, will protect both sides from violent murder. The New World Order arrives in Israel and very soon. (Barry Chamish)

The goal of the CFR was to influence all aspects of society in such a way that one day Americans would wake up and find themselves in a ONE NEW WORLD SYSTEM “whether they liked it or not.” Their hope was to get Americans to the point where entering a world government would seem natural and so that they would blink and miss what it is their naked eyes were truly seeing. LUCIFER'S Network: Master’s Of The New World Order

In the last fifty years Big Brother has been able to slowly erode the basic freedoms of all American citizens by hiding behind such cliche's as " national security risk " to throw innocent people in prison with the most flimsy, if not fabricated evidence. When the government claims that a case involves a national security threat, it's power increases tremendously. Government investigators have the power to:

1. Order wire taps or a search without a warrant.
2. Restrict the discovery of evidence to who may see it.
3. Impede the accessed defense lawyers access to their client or require that an entire jury have security clearance.
4. In short, they can throw you in jail for as long as they wish too with any false or fabricated accusation against you.

But none of the wicked shall understand [that the End of the Age is upon them]." [Daniel 12:10

Unfortunately, what many so-called religious authorities fail to tell when arguing against self-defense by quoting this bit of scripture is that there are several words in the Hebrew language which express the verb "kill." The Hebrew word used in this commandment ALWAYS means "murder" and ONLY in what would now be called a "pre-meditated" murder at that.

Unfortunately, the word "kill" has changed since the time of King James when the first major translation of the Bible into English was carried out. The "kill" would more properly be translated as "murder" as far as modern English usage is concerned and, in fact, many modern translations of the Bible generally use "murder" in this passage. Check it out in a modern language translation of the Bible or--better yet--with someone who knows Hebrew.

This Bible passage deals with murder, not self-defense and it's a grave mistake to interpret is as prohibiting self-defense. Thus the commandment is simply "Thou shalt not MURDER." (And any religious leader using this as an argument against self-defense should be dismissed as a liar or sent back for more theological training.) PRAISE THE LORD AND (PLEASE DO) PASS THE AMMUNITION A must read

ワシントン 財務長官ポールオニールは日曜日に、同国が「繁栄の黄金時代の端に」あると言いました。そして、現在の景気減速を「調整期間と言いました。」


New World Orderプログラムが計画の段階で多くの数十年の間ありました、支持者からの否定と汚れにもかかわらず、潜行性の世界支配と支配準備は適当に設定され続けます、One World、New World Order、New International Economic Orderその他の秘密主義の条件は今はGlobalizationのより公的な語と入れ替えられました。

何百もの本、記事と20世紀のスピーチにおいて、多くの有力で強力な人々(国会の多くを含む)はNew World Orderと唯一の世界政府へのアメリカ主権と個々のfreedomsの降伏を要求しました。そして、通常唯一の世界国連軍に国連軍隊とそれの移動を含みました。反逆罪:著者GurudasによるNew World Order





彼女の市民のアメリカの政府の[Constitutionalまたは有権者『政府』と対比しての会社ファシスト軍の産業の『政府』]裏切りの範囲は、これらの中国でロシア軍隊がRECEIVING PAYMENT FOR THEIR PRE-INVASION ACTIVITIES THROUGH THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUNDであるという事実で、さらに明示されることができます...アメリカ人の上で出されて、政府はチェックします。ロシアと中国からの来たるべき侵入を予想して[そして、ドイツ人である - U.N軍隊、その他]、カナダはその西洋の沿岸警備隊師団を解散するくらい遠くに行きさえしました、このように、彼らは西側からのアメリカの陸海空共同の侵入を受け入れます。これは、詳細な陸海空共同の暴行が台湾海峡で戦争操作と戦略を行って押しつけるロンドンで、BBCテレビで文書のレポートの提出を通して、最近公然と明示されました。BBC報道関係者がトレーニング中にこれらの兵士と面談するのを許されたとき、彼らは繰り返し彼らに以下の問題を尋ねました。「あなたは、何のためにこのトレーニングを使う準備をしていますか?」、衝撃的な、一貫した答えは、「FOR THE COMING INVASION OF AMERICAでした!」それが保安のガフがイングランドでテレビでこの放送を放送して作製されたことは明らかになったWhen、ロンドンの日がキャンセルされて急いであった次のためのその予定の再放送。アメリカ合衆国の最終的な侵入


私がレーガンの方へ群衆中を歩いたので、私は「ローズの順序と関連するよく知られている顔を見ました。」(「ローズの勲位」は、New World Orderの到来を告げているそれらの印でした。「ローズからの命令」はジョージブッシュからの命令でした。)、Acrossは部屋です、ビルとボブベネットはディックチェイニーと笑っていました。そしてペンシルバニアの知事。ディックソーンバーグは、アーレンスペクターと話し合っていて約束がありました。私の拡張された周辺視野で最も遠い範囲の中で、私はジョージブッシュが彼の国連親友マドレーンオルブライトと口をきいているのを見ました。(レーガンは、カリブ海でのイエズス会士活動の「私の良き指導者」として、最初に私を国連マドレーンオルブライト大使に紹介しました。)まるで私が私の頭の後ろに目があったように、私が彼に会うことができたということを知って、ブッシュは彼らに加わるために、微妙に私に合図しました。「あなたは、マドレーンオルブライトを知っています」と、ブッシュが切り出しました。前にしみ込むカトリックイエズス会士信条から上手に用語を使用して、彼は続けました ? 「彼女は、全ての姉妹(奴隷)の牧師母です。彼女は、彼女からの命令が彼からの命令であるように、神に近いです。」、オルブライトはくすくす笑いました。そして、明らかにプログラム饒舌のブッシュの「気のきいた」操作に感動しました。「彼女は、新世界和平交渉を実行するために、私を通して国連で起きました。」(アメリカ、キャシーオブライエンによるCIA Mind Control Slaveの本当の生命物語、pg 176の催眠状態Formation)

一部のインサイダーによると、彼らが正直なと憲法アメリカMilitary. http://www.militarycorruption.com/ の可能性を恐れないならば、New World Orderはすでに歴史であるでしょう

政府のユダ態度は、タイトルをつけられてビルクリントンのまさしくその親友(副ストローブタルボット国務長官)によって書かれる冠詞で象徴されます:「Global NationのBirth。」、タルボットは強くアメリカの国家主権(述べること)を攻撃しました:「我々がそれが時代遅れであるということを知っているように、国家的な:全ての州はシングルを認めます。そして、全世界です」(666)「権限」(720/92回誌)。

Zionists theイエズス会士は、偉大なシオン主義者です。彼らは、歴史上のHigh Zionists?Theodorヘルツル、ダビッドベングリオン、ゴルダメイアの全てを支配します。シオニズムはフリーメーソンの語です。そして、イエズス会士によって作られます。彼らは、統治者です;彼らは、Protocolsです;彼らは、シオンのエルダースです。それで、シオン主義者は、本当に、凶悪で、邪悪です;しかし、彼らはローマによってコントロールされます。ユダヤ人が、全てのシオン主義者であるというわけではありません。黒い教皇

外国の軍隊は来ています。そして、それは最初はオスロのゴールでした。ジェノバで、今日、ブッシュはイスラエルに国連NATO部隊を連れてくることに同意しました。明日、彼はイスラエルの覇権の終わりを神聖にするために、ローマ法王に会います。今夜、3人のアラブ族は、「ユダヤ人」によって殺されました?ショートが、どれのためにあります、「Shabak。」、軍隊は両側を狂暴な殺人から保護しますと、我々が話されます。New World Orderは、イスラエルに、そして、間もなく到着します。(バリーChamish)

CFRのゴールは一日アメリカ人が起きて、ONE NEW WORLD SYSTEM「彼らがそれが好きだったかどうかに関係なくにいるのに気づくそのような方法で社会の全ての面に影響することになっていました。」、Their望みはアメリカ人を世界政府に入ることが自然なようである点に連れて行くことになっていました、そして、彼らがまばたきして、それがそうであることを見のがすように、彼らの肉眼は本当にわかっていました。魔王のネットワーク:New World Orderの達人のもの





残念なことに、英語への聖書の最初の大きな翻訳が完成したとき、「殺してください」知らせはジェームズ王の時間から変わりました。最新のイギリスの使用法に関する限り、「殺す」ことは「殺人」とよりきちんと解釈されます、そして、実際、聖書の多くの現代の翻訳はこの通路で一般に「殺人」を使います。聖書の現代の言語翻訳で、または ? よりよくまだ ? ヘブライ語を知っている誰かとそれをチェックしてください。

通過が殺人、自衛でないとそれで分けるこの聖書は、解釈する重大な間違いが自衛を禁止しながらあることを持ちます。このように、戒律は簡単にあります「汝は、そうするべきではありませんMURDER.」(そして、自衛に対する議論としてこれを使っているどんな宗教指導者でも、うそつきとして退けられなければならないか、より神学上のトレーニングのために送り返されなければなりません。)PRAISE THE LORD AND(PLEASE DO)PASS THE AMMUNITION Aが、読まなければなりません