

This is HUGE!



”黒いスーツの男たち”が米国を支配 - プーチンがデープステートについて語る。フランスのフィガロ紙のインタビューで。
By: anon67 “Men in dark suits” rule the US – Putin on Deep State Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview with French publication Le Figaro, has revealed that a US president is more often than not just a figurehead of government.


anonews.co|作成: Anonymous


A certain person may be elected by the public on the basis of his merit and ideals ? but rarely is this person able to formulate policy.

プーチンの説明は、米国の’官僚制’は、Deep Stateデイープステート(国家の中の国家)として普通に知られているが、それはとっても強力なためどんな本格的な方向変えも許さない。


Putin explained that the ‘bureaucracy’ in the US, which is more commonly known as the Deep State, is very powerful and as such does not allow any real change in direction.



“Presidents come and go, but the politics remains the same.”

As such, an individual, who may have his own genuine ideas, is elected into the White House only to satisfy the illusion of a democratic process taking place. In reality, “men in dark suits”, who remain anonymous to the voting public, continue to pursue the well-established interests of the US elite with each incoming administration.