

この(立派な)歯科医が言っているように:”貴重な歯を無くしてしまうようなことになる治療を勧められたら、第2の医師による意見をもらうのは常に良いことです。” 良い歯科医は常に自然の歯を残そうと試みるものです。そして重金属は体から自然にそして馬鹿げた”毒抜き”のどんなものであれ必要なしに絶えず取り除かれているのです。体は絶えず自分で”毒抜き”をします。私の母は99歳で死にましたが、口の中は昔の詰め物で”重金属”だらけでした。
Rael Maitreya's COMMENT : do not listen to criminal "dentists" who want to remove your teeth , especially under the false pretext of removing heavy metal from your mouth.
As this (good) dentist say : "It’s always a good idea to get a second opinion, especially when the recommended treatment involves the loss of a precious tooth.".A good dentist always try to save the natural teeth.And heavy metals are naturally constantly eliminated from your body and without need for any stupid " detox" . The body naturally " detox " itself constantly. My grandmother died at 99 and her mouth was full of " heavy metal" old style fillings...
Unnecessary Tooth Extraction | Dr. Michael Sinkin, D.D.S


Unnecessary tooth extraction can happen. Find out why it's important to get a dentist's second opinion. By Dr. Michael Sinkin.

Dentists pull out THOUSANDS of teeth unnecessarily every year

Dentists are needlessly extracting thousands of patients' teeth because it is quicker and
easier than more complex procedures such as performing a root canal.
