

Rael Maitreya's COMMENT : in other words the hundred of millions of Arabic people of more than 10 countries deserve less aid than the few millions Jews living in Israel. And after some American ask :" Why do they hate us so much ?"

Jewish Voice for Peace  平和のためのユダヤ人の声
(パレスチナでのイスラエル人の違法)植民を米国はとがめたが、その後でイスラエルへの軍事支援金を27%増やすことを承認。何故BDS(ボイコットと資本引き揚げ、経済 制裁)運動が必要? 言葉は行動ではない。

The US condemns settlements, then approves a 27% increase in military funding to Israel. Why a robust #BDS movement is needed? Words are not actions. Visualizing Palestine