

Rael Maitreya's COMMENT : sadly the imperialist and neo-colonialist politic of western countries leave no choice to small countries : they have to have atomic bombs in order to avoid being invaded and destroyed.Otherwise they will suffer the same fate as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc...It s amazing to notice that only one " race" : black people, do not have atomic bombs:not one African country with black population has it. And that s why African countries are at permanent danger to

be i...nvaded and destroyed. Western powers

understand only force. That s why China, India,

Pakistan and North Korea are now safe : because

they have it. So if this crazy trend to invade countries without nuclear weapons continue all

countries will, rightfully, try to get it. There is no reason for the Western powers to have the right tohave thousands of atomic bombs and to deny

other sovereign countries to have it.Either everybody destroy their stockpiles (which would be the best solution) or everybody can have it.
