
Rael: These are the states which must be recreated in massive secessions exploding the frontiers imposed hand European colonialism and all united in the United Kingdoms of Kama

Rael: Ce sont ces états qui doivent être recréés dans des secessions massives explosant les frontieres imposées part le colonialisme européen et tous unis dans les Royaumes Unis de Kama.

Alternative timelines lead to a VERY different geography.


What if the Black Plague had killed off almost all Europeans? Then the Reconquista never happens. Spain and Portugal don't kickstart Europe's colonization of other continents. And this is what Africa might have looked like.


The map – upside down, to skew our traditional eurocentric point of view – shows an Africa dominated by Islamic states, and native kingdoms and federations.

bigthink.com|作成: Frank Jacobs