

Rael Maitreya's COMMENT : as long as US and NATO continue to bully the world with an imperialist behavior and a plethora of military bases everywhere, it s more than normal that all countries who want to avoid the possible fate of Iraq and Libya arm themselves in a deterrent manner .And as the US and western nations economies are devastated they cannot win this arm race and Russia/India/China altogether, as a kind of ex colonies alliance,with their much more robust economy will soon have a military superiority. The only solution is disarmament ,diplomacy and the move toward peace and love.Starting with the number 1 bully in the world : USA.


印露合弁のBrahMos Aerospace社は、飛行機から発射する超音速の巡航ミサイルの最も進んだタイプを作ることに取り掛かる計画を発表した。
The Indo-Russian joint venture BrahMos Aerospace has announced plans to start work on an advanced version of a supersonic air-launched cruise missile. The BrahMos-2…