弥勒菩薩ラエル のコメント:



世界革命に向けての最初の動きは兵隊や警察官たちと連絡を取り彼らが抗議に参加するようにすることです! こうすれば、銀行家、多国籍企業や超リッチなエリートたち、を守る人が誰もいなくなってしまいます。。。

Maitreya Rael's COMMENT :

these rotten military leaders still do not get it : it s The People who should give them the ultimatum to join the protest within 48 hours or be prosecuted and dismissed without salary !

The world revolution's first step is to dismantle all armies and ask the simple soldiers and policemen to stop being the slaves of their unelected masters.Many soldiers and policemen are tired of being used to violently attack the citizen who are their families and friends. The first move toward a world revolution is to reach them and make them join the protests ! Then the bankers, multinational companies and ultra rich elite will have nobody to protect them...

Egypt's army has given the country's rival parties 48 hours to resolve a deadly political crisis.