弥勒菩薩ラエル のコメント:









This is perfectly accurate and great! It's time for all ex-colonized countries around the world to take revenge on the west. After all, it's pure justice that the Asian peoples, who make up half of humanity, dominate the world instead of the United States, which represents only 5 percent of the world's population, or the ex-colonizers (which include the United Kingdom, France, Holland, Spain and Portugal),which together represent even less.

The only superiority of these ex-colonizers was in the use of brutal and barbaric force, using provisional scientific advances to enslave and pillage throughout the entire world. (And they still do this in Africa.)

Now, let's hope that the western powers, economically humiliated by their ex-victims, will not use their only remaining advantage, military superiority (especially nuclear) to attempt a reversal of the situation by creating a third world war, which is the only solution that would save the dollar and the euro.

Thankfully, but sadly, China, India and Russia are also nuclear powers, and they are quickly modernizing their defenses. Any attempt by the West to invade them, as some warmongers in the U.S. military want, will be not only a world catastrophe but a terrible defeat for the West, which will never recover and be relegated to a Third World level
of development. 600 million financially broken western people are no match for 3 billion rich Asians.

Let's hope that peace will prevail and that the West will humbly accept being the new underdeveloped world as just punishment for its past crimes, and that on the way to paradism it will promote a world government made up of a federation of totally independent, human-sized provinces.

The only obstacle is the greed of the super rich and the
banks, who want to keep the superior power their stolen wealth gives them while they enslave the vast majority. This is why I totally support the OWS movement and a new and total world revolution.


(Why the West is losing out to the rest:ラエルサイエンス 11月6日英語版配信分)

Source: 和訳省略http://edition.cnn.com/2011/11/03/opinion/ferguson-west-economic-decline/index.html?hpt=hp_c1