According to my German friend of the German Federal Government, education on war crimes and war responsibility of the Second Word War are provided at all levels of school education in Germany.

Germany has been sincerely apologizing to neighboring countries for their war crimes and war responsibility. In 1970, Willy Brandt, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, indicated his apology by kneeling down at the monument to victims of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.


In January 2015, the current German chancellor, Angela Merkel, said at a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Auschwitz concentration camp's liberation that Germans have an "everlasting responsibility" to preserve the memories of Nazi crimes.

Debates on current German military operations are conducted based on reflection of war crimes and war responsibility of the Second World War. For example, when the German Bundestag debated on an approval of German contribution to international troops in Kosovo to stop ethnic cleansing in 1999, not only political but historical, ethical debates were made. After the aggressive use of force in Kosovo, the German slogan Nie Wieder Auschwitz (Never Again Auschwitz) took on a new meaning: Germany must use force to prevent genocide.

In contrast, sufficient education on war crimes and war responsibility of the Second Word War are hardly provided at schools in Japan.

The Japanese government indicated their apology for war crimes and war responsibility in a form like the Murayama Statement and the Kono Statement. But, I think that Japanese Prime Ministers have never indicated their apology in such an impressive behavior as Willy Brandt did. And, even the Murayama Statement and Kono Statement are being re-examined by the current Japanese administration.

Remorse on the past war crimes and war responsibility and apology to neighboring countries would convince the Japanese people that they need to be vigilant on behaviors of military forces and establish strict control over the military. Instead, if Japan would keep sending the Japanese Self Defense Forces overseas without remorse on her past war crimes and war responsibility or apology to neighboring countries, the same mistakes as the past would be repeated again. For example, the Japanese Self Defense Forces are currently expanding their military base in Djibuti without most Japanese people knowing about it.

Based upon remorse on the past war crimes and apology to neighboring countries, Japan should formulate a mechanism of thorough democratic civilian control over the military, which in turn would ensure protection of safety, rights and freedoms of the Japanese people.

Also, based upon remorse on the past war crimes and apology to neighboring countries, Japan would be qualified to strongly criticize violations of human rights in other countries, which would constitute Japan's real contribution to international communities.

Thank you.

(1) War, Guilt, and World Politics after World War II, Thomas U. Berger, July 2012, Cambridge University Press

(2) "Merkel: We must not forget", January 26th 2015, DW

(3) "Afghanistan: The German Factor", James D. Bindenagel, PRISM Volume 1, Issue 4, Center For Complex Operations

(4) "Japan to reinforce SDF anti-piracy base in Djibouti for broader Middle East responses", January 19th 2015, The Asahi Shimbun






ドイツでは、連邦軍の運用においても、第二次世界大戦の反省を踏まえ、議論が行なわれています。たとえば、1999年、コソボでの民族浄化 (ETHNIC CLEANSING) を阻止するため、ドイツ連邦軍の多国籍軍への参加が議論された際、ドイツ連邦議会では、政治的のみならず、歴史的、倫理的な議論が行なわれました。そして、「二度とアウシュビッツを繰り返さない (Nie Wieder Auschwitz)」というスローガンを踏まえ、「コソボにおける民族虐殺を防ぐため、ドイツは、力を行使する責任がある」として、連邦軍の派遣が決定されました。






(1) War, Guilt, and World Politics after World War II, Thomas U. Berger, July 2012, Cambridge University Press

(2) "Merkel: We must not forget", January 26th 2015, DW

(3) "Afghanistan: The German Factor", James D. Bindenagel, PRISM Volume 1, Issue 4, Center For Complex Operations

(4) "Japan to reinforce SDF anti-piracy base in Djibouti for broader Middle East responses", January 19th 2015, The Asahi Shimbun