Hello everyone!





Well, lots of hanami - flower-viewing - parties or events have been called off throughout the country, but why did the organizers call them off?

The Japan Timesの記事を参考にしました。

Organizers say they felt it was appropriate to refrain from any kind of festivities when so many lives were lost, but added that the decisions were also based on efforts to reduce the use of electricity. Some also cited security concerns.

・refrain from ~:~を控える
・many lives were lost:多くの命が失われた
・added that:それに加え
・based on ~:~にもとづいて
・to reduce the use of electricity:電力使用を減らす

Fear of another aftershock or blackout was another concern.


"We have about 200,000 visitors a day when the cherry trees are in full bloom and it will be packed with people. If trains stop like on the day of the earthquake, the nearby subway stations will be jam-packed," he said.

・in full bloom:満開の
・be packed with ~:~でいっぱいの

Meanwhile, the cherry tree festival in Nagoya Castle park in Aichi Prefecture's capital began Friday as planned, but organizer said they will use the opportunity to raise money to support the victims of the disaster.

・as planned:予定通り
・use the opportunity:その機会を利用して
・to raise money:資金集めをする
・the victims of the disaster:災害の犠牲者

"Precious lives were lost and we do feel we should mourn for them, but at the same time, we want to support and energize eastern Japan from the west," an Expo Park official said.


この"energize"、良い言葉ですね。 大阪らしいかな??

Whether we go to a hanami festival or not, we are so sure that we all mourn for the victims of the disaster...

Hope cherry blossoms will energize people in the affected areas, like they do here in Tokyoスマイル

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