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We went to fun diving at Laolao beach.  我们去老挝海滩玩耍好玩。

It was good weather and ocean was calm too.  天气好,海洋很平静。


Yay, we found a Green turtle at bigining. very lucky!  我做到了〜♪我们开始发现了一只海龟。 很幸运!


We saw a big octopus also.  我们也看到一个大章鱼。


And found another Seaturtle!  并找到另一个海龟!


Enjoy diving,  ...期待慢慢地在海上


Snowflake moray was swimming alot! 我发现了乱游泳海鳗!


And then we went to Grotto for 2nd dive.  然后我们去了Grotto进行第二次潜水。


Good visivility and calm and no current.  良好的能见度和平静,没有现在。


Starfish shrimp live on Pillow cushion star.

We swim to see the school of fish and found it!  我们去游泳时看到的鱼一所学校,我是能够去发现!


But time to going back!  但时间回去!


We came back in to the cave,  我们回到洞里,


took some photos...  拍了一些照片...


We enjoy the underwater view.  我们喜欢水下的景色。


And Mr.Ivan kindly took my photos too.  他也很喜欢我的照片。


Thank you Mr.Ivan to joined our tour today! Hope to see you and dive again.
谢谢你今天加入我们的旅程! 希望看到你再潜水。











Heart of Gold Diversまでまずお問い合わせを!



にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログ サイパン情報へ

ご来訪毎にどれでもワンクリック。応援ヨロシクお願いします<(_ _)>