April Already~ xD | ★Kiko★きこの英語ブログヽ(*・ω・)ノ


Welcome to my BLOG ~!ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ

April! = April Fool's Day which falls on 1st April! (^∇^)

Guess what! It's also the same date as Okamoto Keito-kun's birthday!! スマイル
So... きら お誕生日おめでとうございます、 岡本圭人くん! ラブ
Happy Belated Birthday~! ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノ

~Kiko~林きこの英語のブログ-Okamoto Keito

You're officially 17 years old! 心
It's great that you didn't have a concert on your birthday, or else you might not have time to celebrate with your family & friends (maybe?) ! キャハハ
I am very happy that I'm born in the same year as 4 of the members from Hey! Say! JUMP!!わらい o(〃^▽^〃)o

Aa! I forgot! Yesterday was Morimoto Ryutaro's birthday!ねこ!?
Hehe~ He's now 15 years old! かお Same year as my brother but my brother's birthday is around December.. (・_・;) So.. Happy Belated Birthday to Morimoto Ryutaro-kun too~ケーキ01

~Kiko~林きこの英語のブログ-Morimoto Ryutaro

wハート☆お誕生日おめでとうございます、森本龍太郞くん! (´∀`o)

Time passes by very quickly and it's great to see you guys grow up like that! o(^-^)o

Also.. I wish you all the best to you guys and JUMPs ganbatte kudasai!GOOD! xD