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Thank you for your lovely feedback following VSS Unity’s first flight on 9th August. The amount of exclamation marks filling our inbox was a great indication of the excitement in the Future Astronaut community, and much appreciated by all of us!

We wanted to share this short clip with Mike Moses, our VP of Operations, as it gives a good insight into the activity and test objectives of the flight, as well its significance for the team. Those of you on our recent Mojave tours have met Mike and seen his and the team’s enthusiasm and dedication first hand, and the team’s motivation following first flight. We have two more tours left this year so get in touch if you’d like to join us and see for yourselves.

So what’s next? As with all our test flights there were a number of objectives on the ‘test card’, and our engineers are continuing to analyse the valuable data generated from the flight. This will help confirm the aerodynamic performance of the spaceship as well as the performance of many subsystems and components at cold temperatures, low atmospheric pressures and high aircraft like altitudes. Our pilots, mission controllers and ground operations teams gained invaluable experience from the first VG/TSC crewed flight, and are continuing to build on their processes and procedures. All of these data points will be reviewed and confirmed before the next test flight; our first glide flight during which Unity will be released and fly home solo. We will of course keep you posted on that and if you have any questions or areas you would like to hear more about, please let us know.