On June 25, 2009, Lisa Marie Presley was in England having what she calls "the strangest day of my life."


Despite the seemingly routine tasks of the day—she went to work in the studio before coming home for dinner—Lisa Marie spent the entire day in tears and couldn't understand why. "I was literally cutting my food, eating my dinner crying," she recalls.


Later that evening, in an effort to stop crying, Lisa Marie went upstairs and crawled into bed to watch something mindless on television. An hour later, she got a text from her friend John Travolta that sent shock waves through her body.



Lisa Marie's ex-husband Michael Jackson had died.

The tears stopped as shock set in. "I was floored," she says. "Honestly floored."

Oprah and Lisa Marie

A little more than one year after that unforgettable day, Lisa Marie sits down with Oprah to open up for the first—and only—time about Michael Jackson, their marriage and his death. It's an interview unlike any she's given before.



"[In] previous interviews, I'm barky, and I tend to want to skirt out of it," Lisa Marie says. This time, she wants to speak candidly about the intimate, personal details that made her relationship with Michael as complicated and misunderstood as it was.


"You said on my show, 'Yes, this was a real marriage,'" Oprah says, referring to her 2005 interview with Lisa Marie . "But the rest of the world thought it was a big, staged publicity [stunt]."



「でも それを通した世界の残りは大きく評判はとんでもないものだった。

"A lot of that is what I wanted to clear up in this interview," Lisa Marie says.

Lisa Marie Presley

Though Lisa Marie says her marriage to Michael Jackson was real, she also admits that Michael was a master at manipulating the media.


"He was brought up that way," she says. "He was conditioned to get himself where he needed to go for his career, and he became very good at making and creating and puppeteering."「彼はこのようにやったのよ。」と彼女は言います。「彼は彼自身に必要な経歴を自分   につけることに慣れていたのよ。「それで彼は情報を作って加工して操るのがとても上手になったの。」 Look back at Michael Jackson's life in photos. マイケルジャクソンの写真を振り返りましょう

These manipulations made Lisa Marie question Michael's love for her at the time. "I always confused that manipulation thinking that it meant he didn't love me," she says. "But I understand it better now. The manipulation was a survival tactic for him."
これらの操作はマイケルのその時の彼女に対する愛に対してリサマリーに疑問を感じさせたのです。「私はいつも彼は私を愛していないんじゃないかって考えて困惑していたのよ。」 と彼女は言う。「でも今より理解することができるようになったの。操作することは彼にとっての生きるための駆け引きだったのよ。」

Lisa Marie says any bitterness she held onto after their relationship ended gave way to clarity and understanding upon Michael's death—along with a flood of emotions.



The day after Michael died, Lisa Marie expressed how she felt about his death and her perceived role in it on her blog. She wrote: "The person failed to help is being transferred right now to the L.A. County Coroner's office for his autopsy. All my indifference and detachment that I worked so hard to achieve over the years has just gone into the bowels of hell, and right now, I am gutted."



「助けることが出来なかった人は今ここのL.A.County Cornner's officeに検視のために運ばれています。



Read the rest of Lisa Marie's blog about Michael Jackson.


Lisa Marie Presley

According to Michael's autopsy, a lethal level of the powerful anesthetic propofol and another sedative caused his death. Lisa Marie says she didn't suspect Michael had a drug problem during their marriage, though she does recall one incident that gave her pause.
While rehearsing in New York for an HBO special in December 1995, Michael collapsed onstage and was rushed to the hospital. "I couldn't tell what was happening," Lisa Marie says. "Dehydration. Low blood pressure. Exhaustion. A virus."




"What did your gut tell you?" Oprah asks. "You thought there was some drug use?"

"Yes," she says.
「ええ」 彼女は言います。

Lisa Marie also recalls times when she would pick Michael up from a certain doctor's office, and he would not be coherent. Looking back, she says these behaviors were suspicious, but at the time, she didn't push the issue.



Lisa Marie Presley

Despite these suspicious incidents, Lisa Marie says the marriage was, in every sense normal, open and intimate. When Michael couldn't sleep at night, for example, she would stay awake to talk with him. She says she truly enjoyed being there for him."I loved taking care of him," she says. "It was one of the highest points in my life when things were going really well, and he and I were united. It was a very profound time of my life."


Lisa Marie Presley and Oprah

Then, after less than two years as husband and wife, the marriage ended.



Lisa Marie: He had to make a decision. Was it the drugs and the vampires or me? And he pushed me away.

Oprah: Vampires?


Lisa Marie: Meaning, people that are sort of ...

Oprah: Sycophants sucking his blood?

Lisa Marie: Sycophants, yes.

Oprah: So you saw that all around him?

Lisa Marie: Oh, yes.

This is something Lisa Marie says her father, Elvis, faced in his life as well. "[My father and Michael] had the luxury of creating whatever reality around them they wanted to create. They would have the kinds of people who were going to go with their program ... and if they weren't, then they could be disposed of," Lisa Marie says.





Elvis Presley

Legendary fame, addiction, prescription drug overdoses—the parallels between the lives of her father and former husband are astounding, even to Lisa Marie. "It blows me away, to be honest with you," she says. Michael Jackson even died in a house that was across the street from a home Elvis once owned, a place where Lisa Marie says she spent time as a child.


See the parallels between Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley.

Michael also seemed to recognize the connection. As Lisa Marie watched footage of the ambulance backing out of Michael's driveway, she says she thought back to a particularly eerie conversation she and Michael had in the Neverland Ranch library one day.


"We were sitting by the fire, and he was telling me that he was afraid he was going to end up like my father," she says. "[Michael] was always asking me about when he died, how it happened, when it happened and where. He said, 'I feel like I'm going to end up the same way.'"




Lisa Marie Presley

For someone who grew up in the spotlight, Lisa Marie is a very private person who prefers to avoid the public eye. "It's just not in my nature to do that sort of thing," she says. Yet, she could not help but fall in love with Michael, one of the most famous men in the world.

スポットライトの中で育った人誰かにとって、リサマリーは公衆の目を避けることを好む個人的な人なのだと。「そういうことをするのは私のやり方には合っていないのよ。」 でも彼女は世界で最も有名な男であるマイケルと恋に落ちざるを得なかったのです。

"He was an incredible, dynamic person," she says. "He had something so intoxicating about him, and when he was ready to share with you and be himself—I don't know if I've ever been that intoxicated by anything. ... He was like a drug for me."



People could not get enough of Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson. Since Michael was promoting an album during their relationship, there were many public appearances to make—including an appearance on the 1994 MTV Movie Awards that became known for the couple's famous onstage kiss.


"He knew I didn't love that," Lisa Marie says. "I would be there, uncomfortably. And his hand was blue after we got off that stage. ... I had squeezed it so hard. ... But as his wife, I needed to do some things like that."






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P.S他の方も訳されていますが どうしても自分で訳したくなり訳して見ました。リサになって書いたつもりですが言い回しがおかしいところがあるかもしれませんがニュアンスを汲み取っていただけると幸いです☆



