Michael Jackson’s humanitarian background commences during his early years, when, out of his daily earnings as a Jackson – 5 lead member, he would purchase ice-cream and chewing gum for children in his neighborhood, according to himself and his family. Both as a child and until later in his life (as required by his Jehovah’s Witnesses religion), he would deliver Bibles door to door to families and preach to them the word of God, while concealing his renowned identity withdisguises.


In 1969, Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 perform at a benefit concert for their home county, Indiana’s mayor, Richard G. Hatcher.


On Christmas Day, 1972, in Los Angeles, California, the 14 year old singer and the Jackson 5, dressed as Santas, make their appearance at a foundation, to visit and offer presents - on behalf of their record company, Motown - to 700 underprivileged children.


In an article, titled “The Jackson 5 Really Changed!”, the writer points out that “The first time the J-5 did a benefit at a children’s hospital, Michael came home and cried all night at the memory of all those sick children lying in beds, some not even able to move their hands to clap. That is when he became actively involved in communicating with these kids. He corresponds with youngsters his own age in hospital all over the country. These are not letters dictated to a secretary by a superstar, but letters written in Michael’s own hand during breaks in recording or rehearsing or even in school.”


During that season, the Jackson 5 perform Christmas songs during a benefit concert at the "Foundation for the Junior Blind" for 1000 visually impaired children, 400 of which attending the benefit party. On his thoughts about the event, Michael Jackson declares: "You know, really, this is what Christmas is all about - giving."


Early in 1972, the Jackson 5 perform at a benefit concert, helping to raise the start-up funds for the "Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Social Change" in Atlanta, Georgia.


In September, 1972, the Jackson 5, and a variety of entertainers, perform for "Save The Children", a ilm theme of the 1972 "Black Exposition" and conducted by "Operation PUSH" ("People To Save Humanity") in the Amphitheater of Chicago, the event highlighting, among musical acts, footage of the city’s black population, their churches, schools, slums and playgrounds, and promoting the hope for an improved future, benefiting the children of Chicago, Illinois.


On January 29, 1974, the Jackson 5 start their one-week tour in Dakar, Senegal (Africa), where they perform concerts, attend representations from several African dancers, visit the humble dwelling places of some inhabitants there, and also pose for pictures with and sign autographs for them, among sightseeing and shopping experiences.


Approximately the same year (1974), Michael Jackson (as reported eleven years after) visits 5-year old Leslie Robinette at a hospital, after she had undergone a bone-marrow transplant, leaving her with post-surgery depression; the patient has later on credited the famous visitor in person and publicly with enhancing her the will to live.


In 1977, The Jacksons (as they would name themselves since 1975) visit the impoverished areas of Trinidad, Port-au-Spain, namely the economically deprived inhabitants, not affording to attend a Jacksons’ concert. Michael Jackson enters their cardboard – stone houses and visits and greets the Catholic – school girls therein. The mentioned year finds The Jacksons competing with other teams of entertainers in the "Rock ‘N’ Roll Sports Classics" special program; being joined in their East team by affiliated show business members, they are awarded as first – place winners of the competition with a set of 20,000 dollars, a charitable contribution funneled to the University of California, U.S.A.

1977年、ジャクソンズは(1975年からそう呼ばれるようになった)ドリニダッド、ポルトスペインの不毛地帯の経済的に剥奪されテいると言われている住民の所を訪れ、ジャクソンズのコンサートに出席する余裕もないような厚紙と石で出来た家に入って 女学生を含むカトリック教徒を歓迎し、記載年によるとジャクソンズはロックンロールスポーツクラシックの特別プログラムにおける他のチームと競っていて、関連のあるショウビジネスメンバーによるイーストチームに加わっていた。賞を最初に与えられていた、20,000ドルの賞金の勝者として彼らは賞賛されていた。。何故なら、アメリカカリフォルニアの大学に慈善的な貢献を集中して行っていたからである。

In January, 1979, the singer donates a certain amount of books to the "Chicago Public Library’s Young Adult Section", and, on occasion of a library project, "Boogie To The Book Beat", he delivers a speech on the importance of reading.


In 1979, "The Black Linkage For Adoptive Children" hosts a charity event during which the Jacksons’ costumes from their 1979 Destiny Tour were auditioned off to the highest bidder; Michael Jackson’s costume garnered 575,00 dollars, the highest price from an impersonator who performed in an outfit that night for a gig.


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