Doyukai Wednesday | 神ながらの道

Doyukai Wednesday

Usual evening session on Tuen Ng Festival holiday at North Point.
15 members come to the training.

Istalled 45 mats into Activity room to start the class.
Started as usual then "Morotedori Kokyuho" at starting act.
Show and explain arm and body works to move, dropped center and relaxed loose arm is point of the move.

Roll the arm froms same dropped center and arm to "Kokyunage".
Keep the arm with out tension to aboid hold by opponent power and roll.
Explain about arm works by strong "Morotedori" hold by opponent and try to move some.

Use same arm works to "Kokyunage" to behind.
Not by pulling just off the power to release opponent power to behing and swing.

Try to move this kind of body use from strong hold.

Change to "Shomenuchi" to "Ikkyou".
Concentrate for adjust to opponent "Shomen" attach to take the timming.

I always concentrate for this timming when I move "Shomenuchi Ikkyou".

Change to "Ryokatadori" to "Kokyunage" by push up and down opponent elbow with change direction.

Simply "Kokyunage" move first.

Next move is do not lookback after throw opponent, just throw and move to forward.
Moved by one by one then tryed to two continue attach by two persons by one line.

神ながらの道-FutariDima Make a group by three person to practice two persons attach.

Face two persons then attack to one person from our side then through to out of the persons and turn to face them again.

Do not stand at center place through two persons then look back to face again. just continue this move.

Devide 5 groups to try this two persons attach.

Change to "Katatedori Shihonage"by "Irimi", "Tenkan", step to side "Shikaku" and swing by small "Irimi tenkan" four move.
Moved by slow as "Kata" then as hold "Bokken" by two hands next.

"Zagi kokyuho" to close the class.

Moved two persons attach with fun, because of, holiday training session today!