Japan: Fukushima: Safety Level NOT SAFE! -訳文 | 脱原発の日のブログ


12月8日は1995年、もんじゅが事故を起こして止まった日。この時、核燃料サイクルと全ての原発を白紙から見直すべきだった。そんな想いでつながる市民の情報共有ブログです。内部被ばくを最低限に抑え原発のない未来をつくろう。(脱原発の日実行委員会 Since 2010年10月)

Japan: Fukushima: Safety Level NOT SAFE! -


Japan: Fukushima: Safety Level NOT SAFE! –December 11, 2011
Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Japanese government raised the level of the allowable
radiation exposure from 1 to 20 mSv per year, even for children.

On April nineteenth, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, announced the amounts of radiation a child can be exposed to one year is 20 mSv.
Officials proclaimed that 20mSv/year is safe. But is it?


4月19日、文科省は、子どもが1年間で浴びてもよい放射線量を20ミリシーベルト(20mSv)とすると発表した。役人たちは年20mSvは安全だと宣言した。 本当にそうなのか?

In this video, we’ll test the official claim ofthe safety against the established radiobiological science, the same science upon which the United States National Academy of Sciences predicts that 20mSv of radiation not only can cause cancers all across Fukushima but would primarily kill women and children.

In this video, we’ll also test the official claim of the safety against recently published research, such as the largest study of nuclear workers ever conducted, comprising over 407, 391 workers from 15 countries.
(注: The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: Estimates of Radiation-Related Cancer Risks )

The study found increased cancer mortality among nuclear workers exposed to the average of 2mSv/y. That’s just one tenth of the allegedly ‘safe’ 20 mSv/y allowed in Fukushima.

In this video, we’ll see that the public has been misled by the government and major media into the false sense of safety regarding nuclear fallout, obstructing the ability of citizens to be fully informed, so that we can make sound decisions that direct our democracies to safe energy futures.
So stay tuned as we cover all that and more.


この動画で、我々はこの日本政府の公式見解が、たとえば15ヶ国の407,391人の原子力関連労働者に対する過去最大調査のような、近年公表された研究と対立する点をも検証する。 この過去最大の調査研究は、平均で年2mSvの被ばくをする原子力関連労働者の間のガン死亡率上昇を見つけた。それは福島で許容されている、安全と言われる年20mSvのわずか10分の1に過ぎない。



The United States National Academy of Sciences is a logical resource to consult about the state’s radiation science. And the academy regularly publishes reports on low-dose radiation risks.
The reports are based on decades of epidemiological and radiaobiological research, from which risk predicting models are built.


The Academy’s most recent report provides both raw data and instructions so that you can apply their risk models to a wide range of exposure scenarios. We can therefore find the cancer risks of 20 mSv.

This is the Academy’s data table for estimated cancer cases caused by 100 mSv of radiation, stratified by
ages and segregated by sex. Highlighted in yellow are the predicted number of cases for all cancers per 100 thousand persons.
Immediately we can see that risk of cancers are uniformly decreases as age increases for both males and females. In other words, children are the most vulnerable to radiation.
これはアカデミーの、年齢と性別で分けた10mSv の被ばくにより引き起こされるガン症状の推定データ表である。黄色の部分は、10万人につき発生するすべてのガンの推定数である。

Parting these date yields this graph. This cancer risk graph keeps the shape, irrespective of its dose.
This shape is therefore the face (phase?) of radiation-induced cancer risk across the human life span.
これらのデータを取り出したのが下記のグラフである。 このガンリスクを示すグラフは、放射線量がどうであろうと、この形は変わらない。この形はそれゆえ、人間の年齢に関わらず、放射線影響により起こされるガンリスクの様相を示す。


Following the Academy’s instructions on scaling the model to specific doses, the Y axis is recalibrated to the predicted cancer cases caused by the allegedly ‘safe’ 20mSv. And here in turn recalibrations for 10 and for 2mSv. According to the Academy, there is no harmless dose of radiation. So, obviously 20mSv is not safe.

(10万人単位:年20mSv)                         (同10mSvの場合)


(10万人につき、年2mSvの被ばく場合 * ゼロ歳女児は10万人につき約95.5人、ゼロ歳男児は51.26人)

But what’s most remarkable is that children and, most especially, girls, are most at risk of radiation-induced cancer. In fact, girls are almost twice as vulnerable as the same-aged boys. And an five-year-old girl is five times, and an infant female seven times, more vulnerable than a 30-year-old man.



These data from the National Academy of Sciences are freely available to all major media and government officials. Yet rather than informing the public of the actual state of radiation science and the real risks of nuclear power, they lead us, instead, to believe that 20mSv of radiation is either safe or its effects are complete mysteries.


( CBS News. COM: “Residents traveled to Tokyo to protest at the government’ loosening safety limit despite the fact of the long-term impact of low-dose radiation is unkown.” — < The Long-Term Impact of Low-Dose Radiation is Unknown.>
Even worse than the failure to inform, major media lead the public to believe that scientific models of low-dose radiation risk, such as we’ve just reviewed, don’t even exist.

Yet, outside the media’s cocoon of blissful ignorance, science marches forward, further characterizing the risks of low-dose radiation. And the flow of incoming evidence published since the Academy’s last report in 2006, said just the Academy’s risk model is either accurate or may underestimate risk.


In 2007, the largest study ever conducted on occupations of low-dose radiation exposure was published.

The study contained over 400,000 nuclear industry workers from 15 countries. The study found a significant relation between radiation dose and cancer mortality. The average period of the nuclear workers’ employment in the study was 10.5 years, and the average dose accumulated over those years was 19.4mSv.
This implies the average annual dose of 1.85mSv/year.


To get an more accurate estimate of the average annual dose, this data table, showing the average accumulated dose and years of employment for each country is useful. From these date we find that the average annual dose for the whole cohort was 1.95mSv/year, rounding off to 2mSv/y.

The data provided by the study also allow calculation of the median annual dose of the whole cohort, which was lower still, at merely 0.45, or one half of a mSv/y.

So the representative dose rate among the nuclear workers in the study was at most one tenth of the 20mSv/year allowed in Fukushima. So, with the allowance of 20mSv/year, Fukushiman children may receive up to 10 times the dose rate associated with the increased cancer among adult nuclear workers.


それゆえ、この調査における原子力関連労働者の放射線量の平均は福島で認められる年20mSvのせいぜい10分の1である。 それゆえ、政府により年20mSvを許容されると、福島の子どもたちは、原子力関連労働者の間で増大するガンに関連した放射線量の10倍までを被ばくすることになるかもしれない。
To get the sense of the distribution of exposures over the cohort, 90% of the workers in the study received the accumulated doses under 50mSv over their entire period of employment which overall was 10.5 on average.
So, dividing 50mSv by 10.5 years suggests that the dose rate for most of the workers was probably below 5mSv/year, which was just one fourth of the maximum annual dose for Fukushimans.


調査対象の労働者のうちの90%の積算量 50mSv未満÷平均雇用年月10.5年 =調査対象労働者のほとんどにとっての年平均放射線量:5mSv/年未満と見積もり
To get the sense of the distribution of radiation effects over the 15 countries’ cohort, the authors eliminated each country in the study one at a time to see if eliminating one country’s data eliminated the indicated radiation effect. In each seven analysis, they found the excess risk ratio, or ERR, was higher than, but compatible with, the National Academy of Sciences BEIR Ⅶ risk model, which was the risk model we previously reviewed. So the indicated radiation effect was not biased by data from any particular country.

The authors of the study noted workers’ smoking as a possible confounding factor, since long cancer was common among the workers. However, other smoking-associated cancers showed little relation to radiation
dose. And the authors concluded that even if smoking played a role, you cannot fully account for the dose relation of cancer to radiation.

So, let’s re-cap. The fifteen countries’ study authored by 51 radiation scientists is the largest study ever conducted on nuclear workers. It found increased cancer risk among the workers. The average worker dose was 2mSv/year. Most workers receive under 5mSv/year. And the maximum dose allowed in Japan is 20mSv/year. That’s ten times higher than the average annual worker dose, and four times higher than most worker doses.
15ヶ国の調査対象群に対する放射線影響の広がりを理解するために、この研究報告の著者たちは、このように示された放射線影響が一つの国のデータの除去により、なくなってしまうかどうかを見るため、一度にひとつずつ調査対象国を減らして分析した。7つの分析のそれぞれにおいて、過剰リスク割合(ERR)は、全米科学アカデミーのBEIRⅦというリスクモデルより高いか、それと相容れるものであると分かった。 このBEIRⅦモデルというのは、動画で今見たリスクモデルだ。それゆえ、示唆された放射線影響は、特定のどの国のデータによっても偏るものではなかった。



Two years later, in 2009, Jacob and colleagues analyzed the 15 countries’ study we’ve just reviewed, plus eight other nuclear workers studies. What makes nuclear worker exposures especially relevant to areas contaminated by nuclear fallout is its dose exposure scenarios to deliver doses at a slow, persistent rate.
And the meta analysis of Jacob and colleagues suggests that such slow-dose rates might be more harmful than fast-dose rates.


For example, this chart from Jacob et al shows excess cancer mortality risk found in nine studies of nuclear workers. Each study it noted, by a red dot whose rightward displacement from zero risk along the bottom axis to note to the degree of increased risk found in that study. In contrast, the blue dots represent comparative excess risks among the atom-bomb survivor cohort.

Adjusted to match to the sex ratio and the average age of nuclear workers in each study, as we can see, the red dots are usually more rightward displaced than the blue dots, and therefore, most nuclear worker studies found higher risk of cancer mortality than among atom-bomb survivors.


This is a significant finding because radiation risk models are largely founded upon fast-dose exposures like from atomic-bomb blasts, and it has been assumed that fast-dose rates were more harmful. However, the findings of Jacob and colleagues bring us a few in the question, as an editorial on the findings of Jacob et al, in the journal Occupation and Environmental Medicine observed: “ …a number of recent studies challenge the assumption that low-dose-rate exposures to penetrating forms of ionizing radiation are less effective at causing cancer than high-dose-rate exposures, because risk estimates for people who received low-dose-rate exposures tend to be larger than, or similar to, the corresponding estimates derived from the study of Japanese atomic-bomb survivors. “


This graph of Jacob et al. demonstrates the discrepancy of risk models. The two leading risk models are on the left. The second is the National Academy of Sciences’ cancer risk model we examined previously. Both risk models are based largely on the fast-dose-rate exposures experienced by atomic-bomb survivors. But the third bar on the right represents the higher level of risk derived from slow-dose-rate experienced by nuclear workers. So the cutting-edge of meta analytical research suggests that the leading contemporary radiation risk models may actually underestimate the carcinogenic efficiency of low-dose radiation.


Science is not only further clarifying the harmful effects of low-dose radiation on large-scale, macroscopic levels but on a microscopic level as well. Recent research has increased the fatality of data in the low-dose range regarding radiation-induced genetic damage. Chromosomal translocation are reform of genetic damage resulting from the faulty repair of DNA molecules damaged by genotoxic chemicals, or radiation.

Chromosomal translocations, also known as chromosomal aberrations, are believed to result in many forms of cancer, and the increased frequency of chromosomal aberrations is recognized as an indication of increased risk of cancer. As such, radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations are fundamental to the cause or mechanism of radiation-induced cancer. It has been well-documented that a median to high-dose radiation increases chromosomal aberrations, but the influence of low-dose radiation has been less certain. But this mechanism of radiation-induced cancer occurs at low-doses. There would be little reason to doubt
that low-dose radiation can cause cancer.

In 2010, Bhatti and colleague published a meta analysis of studies that examined the influence of medical X-ray examinations on the incidence of chromosomal translocation.

They sought to gain greater precision on the impact of low-dose radiation by pulling that from multiple studies. Not only did they find those responses in low-dose range, but to their surprise, the frequency of chromosomal aberrations per unit of radiation increased below approximately 20mSv. Moreover, at doses below approximately 10mSv, the frequency of aberrations per unit of radiation increased further still, and by an order of the magnitude.

 At lower dose ranges, the dose-response relationship became increasingly large and inconsistent with the overall estimate. AT dose scores of 20 and lower ( n=196), the magnitude of the association was 0.08 translocations/ 100 CE/10 dose score units ( 95% CI: -0.002, 0.02, P=0.1; Fig.2b). At dose scores of 10 and lower ( n=131), the estimate of the dose-response relationship was 0.3 excess translocations/100 CE/ 10 dose score units (95%CI: 0.06, 0.5, P=0.02) (Fib.2c). ( dose score of 10= aaprox.10mSv)

※ 低線量範囲になるほど、線量-反応関係が強まり、全体の評価との不一致が明らかになった。線量スコアが20ユニット以下で (n=196)、線量-反応関係を表す転座頻度 は転座数0.08/100細胞等量/10ユニット (n=131) であった ( 95% CI: -0.002, 0.02, P=0.1; Fig.2b)。線量スコア10ユニット以下で、線量-反応関係を表す転座頻度の推定値は、転座数0.3/100細胞等量/10ユニットを超えた。(Fib.2c).
( 線量スコア10ユニット= 約10mSv)
Given these findings, evidence for the carcinogenicity of radiation at low-doses could hardly be more logically indicated as this examined formally.

The hypothetical syllogism is its two premises’ argument schema of classical logic of the form. Given that,
if it’s the case the P, then, Q. And, if it’s the case the Q, then, R. Then we may conclude that it is also the case that if P, then R. Plugging the scientific evidence we’ve just reviewed into the hypothetical syllogism, we may reason as follows.

Given that, if there is low-dose radiation, and then there’s more chromosomal harm. And
If there’s more chromosomal harm, then, there’s more cancer. Then, we may conclude, if there is low-dose radiation, then there’s more cancer.



To some degree, this syllogism may be oversimplification. However, our inputs in this borrowed argument schema are the output of state-of-the-art biological research.

In this video, we both reviewed both established radiobiology and recent radiobiological research. From this broad scientific base, we’ve observed that the National Academy of Sciences predicts increased cancer risk from exposures below 20mSv/year. Research published since the Academy’s last report in 2006 corroborates that prediction. Recent research also suggests that the Academy’s risk models may underestimate cancer risk. Recent research also finds that radiation exposures below 20mSv are associated with genetic damage.


Therefore, both historical and cutting-edge scientific research consistently demonstrate that Japan’s allowance of 20mSv/year is not safe.


1)「遺伝学概論」 布 山 喜 章  東京都立大学理学研究科生物学教室
第3章 突然変異 http://www.fides.dti.ne.jp/~fuyamak/genetics/chap3.html
 X線が発見されたのは1895年のことであるが、当初はその危険性は認識されておらず、まったく無防備であったため、間もなく多くの急性放射性障害がみられるようになる。そこで、1902年、ヨーロッパの医学会議で被爆の危険性が指摘され、最初の勧告が出された。それは、1日当りの被爆を10rem(0.1Sv)以下にしようというものであった。しかし、間もなく放射線技師たちの中に白血病などのがんが多発するようにったことから、発がん性が指摘され、1925年に開催された第1回国際放射線医学会議において、1日当たり0.2rem (2mSv)以下とする勧告が出された。
1.    1950年勧告 0.3rem (3mSv)/週
2.    1958年勧告 0.17rem (1.7mSv)/年 (5rem (50mSv)/30年)
3.    1977年勧告 職業、性別、被爆部位別に線量当量限度を勧告
4.    1990年勧告 職業被爆で5年間に100mSv、ただし、いかなる1年にも50mSvを越えない
6.  われわれの身の回りには多くの自然放射線源があり、また、医療用の放射線による被爆も避けられない。自然放射線の多くは宇宙線や大地中の岩石などに由来するものであり、地域によってかなり異なるが、およその目安としては以下に示す程度である。
  宇宙線 0.5mSv/年
  大地 0.5mSv/年
  体内被爆 0.25mSv/年
人工放射能(医療用など) 0.25mSv/年
  合 計 約1.5 mSv/年
7.  この程度の自然放射線では、自然突然変異率のごく一部しか説明できない。自然突然変異ののうち、放射線が原因となるのは、1割程度と推定されている。
2) http://peacephilosophy.blogspot.com/2011/11/cancer-risk-significantly-rises-at.html
  Thursday, November 03, 2011
低線量被曝ガンリスクで重要論文: 10ミリシーベルトでガンが有意増加(カナダ・マギル大学チーム) Cancer risk significantly rises at dosage of 10 - 40 mSV: Research by McGill team
Cancer risk related to low-dose ionizing radiation from cardiac imaging in patients after acute myocardial infarction



Occup Environ Med 2009;66:56-62 doi:10.1136/oem.2008.038901
Increased frequency of chromosome translocations in airline pilots with long-term flying experience
L C Yong et al
パイロットと対照者の間で補正後の100細胞等量当たり平均転座頻度に有意差はなく、それぞれ0.37 (SE 0.04)、0.38 (SE 0.06)であった。しかし、飛行年数が1年から10年へと漸増するに伴い、パイロットの補正後の転座頻度はそれぞれ1.06(95% CI:1.01-1.11)、1.81(95% CI:1.16-2.82) の比率で増加しており、転座頻度と飛行年数は有意に相関していた(p = 0.01)。飛行年数が最高4分位のパイロットの調整転座頻度は、最低4分位のパイロットの2.59倍(95% CI:1.26-5.33)であった。
Radiat Environ Biophys. 2010 November; 49(4): 685–692.
Diagnostic X-ray examinations and increased chromosome translocations: evidence from three studies
Bhatti et al
採血時年齢とFISH法に関して補正をした場合、診断放射線の線量スコアが10ユニット増加するに伴い、100細胞等量(CE)当たり0.04の転座が統計的有意性をもって増加した(95% CI: 0.02, 0.06; P < 0.001)。
線量スコアを50以下に限定してもこの傾向は変わらないどころか、線量スコア0~50で10線量スコア・100細胞等量当たりの過剰転座は0.05(95% CI: 0.001, 0.1; P = 0.04)、線量スコア0~20で同過剰転座は0.08(95% CI: −0.002, 0.02, P = 0.1)、線量スコア0~10で同過剰転座は0.3(95% CI: 0.06, 0.5, P = 0.02)と、線量反応関係は増大した。

Chromosomal translocation are reform of genetic damage resulting from the faulty repair of DNA molecules damaged by genotoxic chemicals, or radiation.
Chromosomal translocation の訳は染色体転座が適切だと思います。
• 相同組換え(homologous recombination: HR)の場合、切断部の修復の際に用いる鋳型としてまったく同一か、よく似た配列をもつゲノムを利用する。この機構は細胞周期において、DNAの複製中か、または複製終了後の間において主に用いられると考えられている。 これは損傷を受けた染色体の修復が、新しく作成された相同な配列を持つ姉妹染色分体を利用することで可能になるからである。 ヒトゲノムでは繰り返し配列が多く、利用可能な同一な配列を多く含んでいる。これらの他の配列との間で交差して起こる組換えにおいては問題を起こすことが多く、結果として染色体の転座 (chromosomal translocation) や他の染色体再編成を引き起こすことがある。




