ウメのつぼみ-ume bud- | 仙台の週末農業-weekend agriculture of Sendai-

仙台の週末農業-weekend agriculture of Sendai-


Hello,  My Desktop PC returned from repair shop at this weekend.  The repair cost was 20,000 Yen only, because my PC had trouble in harddisk only.   Now, there was a Buddhist memorial service of the late my grand fathre yesterday.  I worked a little today. 


Those are ume bud.   little by little bud are swelling now.    there is a fact of ume bloom at Feburuary sometimes.     the ume blossom will bloom soon later.     We used to take a pleasure Sakura flower looking only.   And we can take a pleasure ume flower and fragrance too.  The spring season come soon. 


I was polishing rices, total amount was 60 kiro grams(two bags).   Our winter warehouse for rices already empty now.  The work of rice polishing is one of heavy work.    But I worked little by little this heavy work.  So my backache have still not pain. 



Those are seed of rices.    We will put this seeds into lukewarm at March.  So soon its turn are coming.


That is my fermentation fertilizer.  Gradually,  fertilizer is lightly and drily.    I put garbage fish and nitrogenous fertilizer and phosphoric acid fertilizer and potassium chloride fertilizer into this fermentation fertilizer.   So I have a pleasure how a great effect for vegitables at spring season. 



In next weekend,  I am going to go spa with male friend.    because I want to deliver polished rice bag and to clean up agriculture machines.   see you next weekend.