

→こちらもみてね(ショーン・リビングストンも好き♪ )(再起不能から復活したショーン・リビングストン(2) )








Shaun Livingston 自身のTwitter画像)






[彼の物語は、2度のMVP受賞したステフの単なる代役だということを超えている。スチーブ・カーHCはリビングストンのことを”鼓舞する(やる気にさせる)人”(=inspiring human being.)と呼んでいる。

リビングストンはSNS上でもファンからしばしば似たような感想を聞く。それは恐ろしい怪我と10チームを渡りあるいたキャリア(= a nomadic career with 10 stops)に耐えた忍耐力とで出来上がった彼の粘り強さを賞賛するものであった。]




>>つづきは”その2 ”。。。

Livingston inspire
(Golde State Warriors (Facebook) )

(warriors ( )

[情報元:After gruesome injury, Shaun Livingston thriving ]


[Shaun Livingston once lay in a Los Angeles hospital bed, his future mobility spinning in doubt. He was 21 years old, and his left knee had practically exploded as he raced toward the basket while playing for the Clippers on Feb. 26, 2007.

Livingston tried not to contemplate the grim possibilities, which included the end of his promising NBA career. Or, worse, not walking again. Or even amputation.

Now, at 30, Livingston is an indispensable player on the best basketball team on the planet. He made seven starts in the first two rounds of this year’s playoffs, allowing the Warriors to weather Stephen Curry’s absence.

They might not be preparing for the Western Conference finals, starting Monday against Oklahoma City, without Livingston.

His story stretches beyond pinch-hitting for a two-time MVP. Head coach Steve Kerr called Livingston an “inspiring human being.” Livingston often hears similar sentiments from fans on social media, praising his perseverance in overcoming such a horrific injury and his persistence over a nomadic career with 10 stops.

These past two seasons almost seem like a reward for his soul-testing journey. Livingston helped the Warriors win an NBA title, visited the White House and capably replaced Curry in the cauldron of the playoffs.

“After we won the championship, you could see the journey through the look in his eyes,” general manager Bob Myers said. “In that moment, you could almost see what he went through.”]

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(ショーン・リビングストン(Wiki) )

