Blackbyrd McKnight インタビュー By Christopher Levine3 | Blackbyrd McKnight プログレッシブ・ファンク・ロック・ブログ

Blackbyrd McKnight プログレッシブ・ファンク・ロック・ブログ



CL: That is cool on so many levels. One, that you caught it- two, that he knew it, and three- the technique! Let's get to your stuff now...what are your favorite tracks on your solo album “'Bout Funkin' Time?”

BBMc: I like (heavily emphasizes) EVERYTHING on "’Bout Funkin’ Time." This is my first musical statement on my own, done entirely on my own. I love it all! My faves change all the time. All the songs have their own stories, where they were made, how they were developed, and the musical contribution along the way. The ones I pick as singles are "#03", “Funkarockaholic”, “Funkin' Where You Belong”- which is actually the story of my transition from P-Funk to now, and I also love “#06”.

CL: Is there an artist or band you’d like to work with specifically that you haven’t gotten the chance to yet?

BBMc: Too many to name. I think the best is yet to come. I'm already working with a lot of the people I wish to work with although there are many more. I don't like to mention names if it's all the same. You know the jinx factor and all.

CL: Anything you’d like to get the word out on right now?

BBMc: Yes! The Miles Davis Electric Band for one. Miles Davis alumni members Vince Wilburn and Darryl Jones put together an all star line up of Miles Davis alumni. I love this band! Also watch out for Bushrock- Delmar Brown, Tal Bergman, T.M. Stevens, and myself, both bands rock! Watch out for more Blackbyrd McKnight as well. I'm currently working on another CD and putting a band together as well as other surprises.

CL: Can't wait! Please keep us posted, and thanks sincerely for the years of incredible music.

BBMc: Thank you as well! And thank you, my friends and fans. Thank you for sharing your eyes and ears with me in my musical endeavor. Thank you so much!

Check out DeWayne "Blackbyrd" McKnight's website and buy his latest release. I mean, how can you go wrong with the man who already gave you both "God Make Me Funky" and "The Electric Spanking Of War Babies?"

CL:それってすごいよね。一つ目はあなたがそれを知っていた事、二つ目はRonが覚えていた事、そして三つ目はもちろんそのテクニックだ。じゃ、あなたの作品の話をしよう。あなたのソロ作品、“’Bout Funkin’ Time”の中の好きな曲を教えて。

BBMc:全部だよ。このアルバムは僕にとっては最初のソロ作で、全部自分の思い通りに作り上げたんだ。全部大好きだ。好きなものって、都度変わるしね。全曲ストーリーがあるんだよ。どうやって生まれたか、どうやって制作されて行ったか、また出来上がるまでの道のりとかね。シングルにするなら"#03"、“Funkarockaholic”や “Funkin' Where You Belong”かな、この曲は僕がPファンクから現在にかけての移行について書いた曲だよ。“#06”も好きだね。




BBMc:ああ、 Miles Davis Electric Bandがまず一つだ。Miles Davis BandのVince WilburnとDarryl Jonesが、他の同窓に声をかけてできたオールスターラインアップのバンドだ。僕はこのバンドが大好きなんだよ。Bushrockも要チェックだ。 Delmar Brown、Tal Bergman、T.M. Stevens、そして僕の4名からなるバンドだ。どちらのバンドもすごいよ。Blackbyrd McKnightのこれからにも注目して欲しい。僕は今新しいアルバムの制作に取りかかっていて、新しいグループを結成中だ。サプライズがいっぱいだよ。



Blackbyrd McKnightのウェブサイトから、彼の最新アルバムが入手できる。要チェックだ。 “God Make Me Funky”や“The Electric Spanking Of War Babies”を世に送ってくれたアーティストだ。間違いなどあろうはずも無い。