from A to B to C/from A and B to C and D | 気になる英語の妄想アウトレット



「Our campaign to ban plastic bags」-Melati and Isabel Wijsen つづき

メラティ: We are sisters, and we go to the best school on Earth: Green School, Bali. Green School is not only different in the way that it is built out of bamboo, but also in the way that it teaches. We are taught to become leaders of today – something a normal textbook cannot match.


前置詞の後では return to earth のように小文字・無冠詞で用いることもできる


*Green Schoolは、エコの視点から竹で作られた素晴らしい学校でした。教育方針も、机に向かった勉強ではなくて、自分で考えたり行動できるリーダー的存在になれるようなプログラムみたいです。

イザベル: One day, we had a lesson in class where we learned about significant people, like Nelson Mandela, Lady Diana, and Mahatma Gandhi. Walking home that day, we agreed that we also wanted to be significant. Why should we wait until we were grown up to be significant? We wanted to do something now.
メラティ: Sitting on the sofa that night, we brainstormed and thought of all the issues facing Bali.


定冠詞は、「ニュース」the news、「警察」the policeのように、初登場でも既知の名詞を表す場合にも使われます。


And one thing that stood out to us the most was the plastic garbage.


stand out:to be very noticeable
The black lettering really stands out on that orange background. (

 stood out to meの言い方も便利そう♪
・There are two songs that stand out to me and they are "曲名1" and "曲名2 "検索文


But that is a huge problem. So we looked into what was a realistic target for us kids: plastic bags. And the idea was born.

イザベル: We started researching, and let’s just say, the more we learned, there was nothing good about plastic bags. And you know what? We don’t even need them.


let’s (just) say used for saying that you are not going to tell all the details about something ( 「早い話、」
CIAとかに守られてるチャックはきっと何かの才能に長けているのろうと、ラズロはチャックに仕事は何?と聞きました。最初はIt's kinda, uh, complicated.と言っていたチャックも問い詰められた末に: Let's just say I'm a computer guy. 吹替え「そうだなあ、それじゃあ、コンピューターってことで。」
トレバー:Well, let's just say I fell into a small fortune. 吹替え「ちょっとした財産を掘り当てたもんで。」
A:"How did you know he was leaving?"
B:"Oh, let's just say a little bird told me."


メラティ: We were really inspired by the efforts to say no to plastic bags in many other places, from Hawaii to Rwanda and to several cities like Oakland and Dublin.


*from A to B :AからBまで
from A to B to Cや
from A and B to C and D の言い方になるとのこと。
今回の言い方 from A to B and to 修飾語付きのC も覚えておこう~っと。

イザベル: And so the idea turned into the launch of Bye Bye Plastic Bags.

