















"ナノ "は基本的に「10億分の1メートル」と定義されており、「ナノテク」は地球上で最もホットな新しい科学であることは間違いない。 


: "米国では、科学政策担当者と産業界の幹部が、ナノスケール(10億分の1メートル)の戦略的技術を統合する新しいスタイルの「マンハッタン」または「アポロ」プロジェクトを考案している。バイオテクノロジー、情報技術、認知(神経)科学を、ナノスケールの原子技術と融合させようというのである。情報科学の単位は「ビット」、ナノテクノロジーは「アトム」、認知科学は「ニューロン」、バイオテクノロジーは「遺伝子」を扱う。これらの技術を1つに統合することで、巨大な産業革命と社会的な「ルネッサンス」が起こり、21世紀を通じて軍事的にも経済的にもアメリカの優位性が保証されると提唱者は言っています。

言い換えれば、アメリカ政府は2003年以降、世界支配と計画的大量殺戮の究極のツール、すなわち「ナノ」RFID(Radio Frequency ID)チップとナノ・ロボットの科学を創造し、展開するために、今日まで数え切れないほどの数十億ドルを費やしてきました。


次のリンクでは、NSA(今日、世界のBITS(情報検索技術)を支配している)が、DynCorp Internationalという非常に危険な準軍事的、傭兵的な民間企業と提携して、地球上の人類の人口レベルを大幅に削減し、生き残った人々をスーパーコンピュータによる完全なマインドコントロール下に置く方法を紹介します。 信じられない話ですか?もちろんそうなのだが、どうか判断する前に、読んで自分自身を教育してほしい。



Nanotechnology in vaccins & chips

Conspiracy to Robotize Humanity under complete Mind Control by Nano technology developed by the company DynCorp:

Linked to the Nazi,s

Linked to the CIA 

Lined to the Rockefellers

Linked to NSA 

Linked to the US government 

Linked to Epstein

This is an extremely important article that needs to be read (and re-read) by every thinking adult on this planet. 

The Nazis did not fade away after World War II. They merely went underground in the USA and continued their research into mind control and other advanced technologies that would eventually limit world population to a selected group (Eugenics) and robotize that portion of humanity left intact. This was the plan....

The top echelon members of the Fourth Reich have had access to alien-derived age regression technology that has allowed people like Hitler's Army Intelligence chief (and, according to Dr. Ott, secret top lieutenant of the Gestapo under Himmler), General Reinhardt Gehlen, to remain alive and active-to this day, as verified by Otto Skorzeny in 1999. Gehlen did not die in 1979; as Josef Mengele did not die in 1979; or as Otto Skorzeny did not die in 1975. 

Their "deaths" were faked by the CIA. Gehlen and Mengele are still alive today. .Their offspring are also alive and active-as you will learn from this article.

The control over ones mind and body via these nano chips is TOTAL once implanted. Avoid any and all vaccinations-if you cherish your freedom of thought and conduct.

The year 2003 changed the world in many respects. As a direct result of the events of September 11, 2001, the “Patriot Act” greatly expanded the federal government’s power to spy on its citizens. 

The new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) quickly became a strategic partner with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA), while the “U.S. Spy Industry”, as a whole, spent billions on “nano-technology”.   


“Nano” is defined basically as “one-billionth of a meter” and “NanoTech” is easily the hottest new science on the planet.  

A 2003 report advises

: “In the USA, senior science policy makers and industry players are devising a new-style 'Manhattan' or 'Apollo' project to merge strategic technologies at the nano-scale (one billionth of a meter). Their aim is to combine biotechnology, information technology and cognitive (neural) science with atomtechnology at the nano scale. The operative unit in information science is the Bit; nanotechnology manipulates Atoms; cognitive science deals with Neurons and biotech exploits the Gene. Together they make B.A.N.G. Merging these technologies into one, proponents say, will drive a huge industrial revolution and a societal "renaissance" that will guarantee American dominance - military and economic - through the 21st century.” 

In other words, the U.S. GOVERNMENT, beginning in 2003, has to date spent untold billions of dollars to create and deploy the ultimate tool of WORLD CONTROL AND PLANNED GENOCIDE – the science of “nano” RFID (radio frequency identity) chips and nano-robotics all connected to and driven by a master, all-powerful super computer with a truly amazing artificial intelligence. 

The follwing link will identify the major players in this field, and expose the hidden agendas of those whose desire is to erode personal freedom in the quest for unlimited earthly power and wealth.  

This following link will show how the NSA, (which today controls the world’s BITS or information-retrieving technology) has partnered with an extremely dangerous paramilitary, mercenary, private corporation named DynCorp International to drastically curtail human population levels on the Earth, while placing the survivors under complete and total, super-computer-driven mind control.  Sound incredible? Of course it does, but please, read and educate yourself before judging.

The link:
