☆ お誕生日 ☆ | juice me up

☆ お誕生日 ☆

Hey you guys!
Today was my birthday!ニコニコキラキラキラキラ
To everyone who remembered, and to everyone who just realized, thank you for your wishes!にひひ

$juice me up-birthday kid
How do y'all like Sige's present for me?おとめ座

It was a perfect day, with a lot more gifts than I expected.
From my brother and sister I got a new pair of Converse, bluish gray.
Sige gave me a haircut (at a salon, lol),美容院
and Dau gave me groceries!ナイフとフォーク
And... Hey, what's that sound?

Bragging Interlude

Oh, it's the sound of me, taking a moment to brag.

So we set a budget before we went into the store, because we didn't want to give me free reigns
(well, I wanted to, but you have to respect the other party's wishes).
And you know what? I'm a freaking genius when it comes to making the money last longer.メガネキラキラ
For 150 SEK (23 USD) I got:

$juice me up-grocery list


I don't know if you realize the awesomeness,
but I can probably make this amount of food last for 3 months.
Yup, 50 SEK (8 USD) / person and month.
I'm gonna make an awesome housewifeチョキ
(as long as my husband works and makes sure I've got money to be economic with)目

There you go, I'm done. Let's get back to business.

End Interlude

Where were we?
My parents had also bought some gifts for me, which I didn't expect.
A very happy surprise!ドキドキキラキラ

It seems they don't think the "talk" they had with me this summer is quite enough.にひひ
Despite telling me straight out that I've become fat,
they think I need further incentive to diet.
Therefore, they bought me a pedometer and an exercise diary.むかっ
Don't let it be said I can't take a hint!サーチ

But seriously, I was very happy for their presents,プレゼント
I've wanted an exercise diary for a really long time now,
and the pedometer is really high quality!
(Some kind of luxury pedometer?キラキラポケベルキラキラ)
Thanks a lot, Mutti und Vati!ラブラブドキドキラブラブ
Tomorrow I'm going out for a long walk!走る人走る人走る人