Electric vehicles are the future of the auto industry across the globe and more and more money is getting invested in this industry. Bestbuysupplier is one of the biggest production factories in China that is also contributing to the E vehicle industry.

The trend of electric vehicles has been there since 2010 and since that year, intrigued investors have funded $280 billion in smart automotive hardware and software solutions. From that amount, about $150 billion to $120 billion were invested in electric vehicles as these vehicles are the future of the Auto industry.

Though it is an eco-friendly and highly advanced technology, still now it is not easily accessible for common folks. So, how can the production of electric vehicles be increased?

To increase the productivity of electronic vehicles, the primary step will be to have enough raw materials, including lithium, nickel, and Cobalt, used in batteries. The insufficiency of these products is causing low productivity. Besides that, a public charging infrastructure must take place to keep the electric vehicles going on the road. Though some large companies succeed in increasing their access to raw materials, the mediocre and small companies are failing in this.

It is not the only problem that has to be solved, but there are also problems with Giga factories and the charging infrastructure. The batteries of electric vehicles need some special care and different raw materials such as lithium, Cobalt, and nickel. Where these batteries are made, the factories are called Giga factories. There is an inefficiency in the number of Giga factories. According to the statistics, in addition to 130 Giga factories that are present now, the industry would need 200 more to meet the projected market demand for electric vehicles by the year 2030.

Because of operational issues such as labor shortage and unexpected machine downtime, the factories are failing to meet the expected production. According to the records, the cell components and machinery also have a shortage that is causing delayed production of electric vehicles. It is causing a big loss for the auto industry. For instance, if a 50 gigawatt-hour plant is able to achieve only 66% of its planned annual production, it can lose about $500 million annually. So, we can have an idea of how much the electric vehicle industry is lacking infrastructure and attention. As it is the future of the auto industry, the foremost duty of the industrial heads is to make the raw materials accessible and to improve the infrastructure of these Giga factories.

Suppose EV goes mainstream in the near future. In that case, it will need an efficient charging infrastructure and the efficient production of electric vehicle parts and equipment in the market, along with the accessibility of raw materials that are used in EV chargers.

The right infrastructure is the primary need for making electric vehicles mainstream. Charging stations play an important role as it is never possible for every electric vehicle owner to go to the charging station every time they need to charge up their vehicles, and that's why portable EV chargers should be more accessible.

Bestbuysupplier as the contributor to the increasing electric vehicle production

The paradigm of the auto industry is shifting gradually, and electric vehicles are slowly becoming the mainstream trend. The market demand is increasing rapidly, and that's why our team is trying to increase the productivity of electric vehicle parts, accessories, and equipment. We are a reliable supplier of portable electric vehicle chargers. Our production team is working day and night to meet the market demand for electric vehicles. Tomorrow or later, we believe that this technology will become mainstream by overcoming all the obstacles, and our team is ready for that day.


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