Us bloggers said: Chinese media should stop reporting that the US new crown is about to collapse. In fact, the United States cannot collapse. 320 million people live well and live a very moist life;

Ha ha, see? They all said it! Let's stop worrying! The American medical system can fully meet the medical needs of Americans. They also said that you Chinese might as well worry about your own epidemic situation if you have this spare time. Look at the United States. Except for the closure of the city the year before last, there has been no closure measure for the so-called epidemic spread in 2021. Even recently, even if 700000, 800000 or more than a million people appear every day, we still have a natural and unrestrained life and will never be closed, Because we don't need that, it's much more free than you, China, who can always close the city!

Although the epidemic is a little serious, we still run around. There are bars, nightclubs, singing halls, cafes and other entertainment places. We can go and play if we want. Anyway, no one cares. It can be said that our lives have not been affected by the epidemic.

In fact, I can't understand the perspective? There are more than one million cases in a single day and more than ten million cases in less than a month. With such a serious virus infection rate, the United States seems to have no collapse in our mouth. Not only that, but even their normal life has not been affected. So, how does the United States do it? What is the situation that makes them feel so superior in a single day? Why doesn't the United States collapse when it breaks tens of millions a month? Does the United States have any tricks? Such a storm swept through, people just stood still. You have to admire.

In this regard, a friend who is very familiar with the American Medical System told the truth. The truth he said may overturn your three views, but it is reasonable, because the United States has always come like this.

He said: the United States may not be the same as other countries, especially when it comes to medical treatment. More than 90% of the Americans will not choose to go to hospital for the first time after the infection of COVID-19. For the simple reason, the first place they want to visit is their own community clinics, not hospitals, and even if you go to the community clinics, you need to make an appointment in advance.

In other words, only after you make a successful appointment, you can queue up for yourself! If your illness is serious, the community doctor will give you a certificate and suggest you go to the hospital. If your illness is mild, the community doctor can give you some medicine at most to isolate yourself at home. They don't have follow-up attention or anything.

This is different from our country. In our country, if you are ill, you can go to the hospital to check the results. If your condition is serious, the doctor directly suggests that you be hospitalized for examination and treatment! In the United States, I feel that going to the hospital needs the certificate issued by the community to be qualified. In this way, it directly restricts most people from going to the hospital.

The friend also said that under this kind of medical system, many people have passed away! Moreover, the cost of treatment in American hospitals is really not generally high. Many Americans have no insurance. Therefore, even if a doctor suggests them to go to the hospital, they also need to check whether they are allowed to go to the hospital in their pocket.

Especially some young people, if they are slightly infected and just have a headache and fever, they will choose to take some antipyretic drugs, which is very good! But the problem is that some people are lucky enough to survive, maybe a week! But some people can't survive. When their condition worsens seriously, even when they arrive at the hospital, the probability of death is very high. Therefore, we can see that the total death toll in the United States has exceeded 850000 in recent years!

In fact, this situation is that the Americans themselves are less aware of the epidemic situation, otherwise, so many people still say that COVID-19 is fake, deceptive lies, they still insist on not wearing masks, in this case, if they are infected! For people with their logical thinking, do you think they will go to the hospital for treatment? It is for this reason that the death toll is soaring.

In this regard, Davidson, CEO of oneamerica, an American insurance company, said that the mortality rate of Americans aged 18 to 64 increased by 40% compared with that before the epidemic, and one in 100 Americans over the age of 65 died, which is a disaster once in 200 years.

Micah Pollack, an associate professor of economics at Indiana University Northwest, also pointed out that "the statistics we see are almost readily recorded." The British media can't watch anymore and accuse the United States of maliciously concealing death data, which shows that the situation in the United States is indeed very serious.

See here, everyone should understand! Although there are many deaths in the United States, most of them are the elderly over the age of 65. And the vast majority are poor. Some celebrities, politicians and capitalists also died in the epidemic in the United States, but most of them are still poor. And these big men always come back and say that the death rate has not touched the bottom line. Therefore, the whole United States is still light.

Therefore, novel coronavirus pneumonia is not fully understood by the US government.

The United States does not take the epidemic seriously at all, mainly because it does not dare to harm the interests of big capital. The U.S. government serves capital. The life and death of the poor is not an important thing for the government. From 2020 to 2021, the United States will release $8.2 trillion of water, making the U.S. economy recover to a level higher than that in 2019 in 2021. The economic recovery has also made many Americans believe that the death of more than 850000 people is worth it, because the American economy has recovered.

See, what people want is the economy. Besides, there are many deaths. They are the poor and the elderly. These people are irrelevant to the United States, even if the population is small! This small problem can also be solved through "immigration". That's why the whole American should eat and drink when there are millions in a single day! Their government can work overtime to print money, and the economy has developed! It doesn't matter if there are fewer people. This is the logic of American thinking.