アメリカCAで上映予定の日本の映画で、スペイン人に人気だったという映画「ゲイシャ・ロボ」(日本公開すぐ)です、まったくついていけなくなった私。面白いっていうけれど、客観的にみると、若い感性と外国人受けを狙ったものでしょうが、感覚が理解不能ですが、笑って見ることができるのならばいいでしょう。そういいながら何度も見てしまいます。日本では先日このプロモーションで天狗の格好をしてパフォーマンスがあったと聞いています。I of popularity to Spanish who was not able to follow at all who is immediacy of the Japan opening to the public) ..movie "Geisha Lobo" (.. in United States CA in the movie in Japan of the screening schedule. It might be good though the sense cannot be understood ..it is possible to see.. laughingly though it might be a young sensibility and be the one having aimed at the foreigner receiving if it sees objectively. ..interesting?
It sees many times though it is so good. It is heard that braggart's shape is had in this promotion in Japan the other day and there was a performance.

さて私はデザインって好きです、数か月前イギリス大使館で行われたデザインセミナーやコンランショップのことザ・コンランショップ「Well considered」を発売 http://www.design-channel.jp/news/#426 、やヨーロッパとくにイギリスのデザインなどの関係が多いサイトですが、いつも見ているものです。

自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

DESIGN CHANNEL★ http://www.design-channel.jp/

  TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEKオープニング・パーティ  in collaboration with SPOT ON WIEN

  【1】10月1日DESIGN CHANNELにLondon 発デザインサイト”Dezeen”の日本語サイトがオープン!

  【2】TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK ボランティアスタッフ大募集中!

  【3】100% Design Tokyo: VIP & PRESS ルーム
     by カリモク, Luminabella & Frenity

  【4】BLICKFANG TOKYOは今年は100% Design Tokyoテント内に出展

【5】毎年恒例designboom martが今年も賑わいます!

  デザインポータルサイト★DESIGN CHANNEL★
>>> http://www.design-channel.jp/
~ デザインを愛するすべての人たちへ ~パートナー会員・ユーザー会員(無料)の登録はこちら
      >>> http://www.design-channel.jp/pubAboutMember.do

 【トップニュース】TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEKオープニング・パーティ
in collaboration with SPOT ON WIEN。TDW開催初日の夜、100% Design Tokyoテントにて開催されるオープニング・パーティは、オーストリアの最先端コンテンポラリー・カルチャーを日本にプレゼンテーションするために来日するSPOT ON WIENとTDW主催Design Associationによって開催。
本パーティは、100% Design Tokyo のデイライト・テント全体を会場として、SPOT ON WIENによるオープニング・ミュージックにて幕をあける。エントランスでのウェルカム・ドリンク配布や19:00からスーパースタジオにて行われる
100% Design Tokyo Awards 授賞式など、優れたデザインを表彰する盛大な夜になるかも?

       100% Design Tokyo テント-エントランス&スーパースタジオ
    日時:10月30日(金)18:00~ オープニングパーティ
     19:00~100% Design Tokyo Awards 授賞式 
    (受賞対象カテゴリー:100% Design, 100% Designer, 100% Prototype & 100% Shop)

 【1】10月1日DESIGN CHANNELにLondon 発のデザインサイト”dezeen.com”の日本語サイトがオープン!Dezeen はロンドン発のデザインサイト。21st Century Design ・icon magazine・BLUEPRINTなど、数々の本、雑誌、新聞のライターや編集者として活躍するマーカス・フェアーズによって2006年に立ち上がったデザインウェブサイトです。





 【2】TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK ボランティアスタッフ大募集中!

    今年のTOKYO DESIGNERS WEEKは「LOVE GREEN」がテーマ。一緒にイベントを盛り上げてくれる    ボランティアスタッフを募集します!デザインが好きな人、最新のデザインに出会いたい人、TDW    の裏側をのぞいてみたい人、どしどしご応募ください!参加者にはもれなくTDW公式Tシャツをプレ    ゼント!



自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

 【3】100% Design Tokyo:  VIP & PRESS ルーム
    by カリモク, Luminabella & Frenity

100% Design Tokyo では、2007年よりVIP制度を導入し、デザイン・ビジネスの活性化。そのVIP専用ルームとプレス・ルームは、質の高い木材を活かしたモダンな家具コレクションを展開するカリモク、イタリア・スペインを中心とした、ヨーロッパの上質なデザインが融合した照明機器を提案するLuminabella
、デザインフラワープロダクトの新ブランドfrenityのコラボレーションによって生まれ変わる。各ジャンルの個性・トレンドが交わる環境で、今年も100% Design Tokyo にて新たなビジネスが創出される。

 【4】4周年を迎えるBLICKFANG TOKYOは、100% Design Tokyo内に出展!

ブリックファング・トーキョーは、今年4周年を迎えました。今年のモットーはSHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING!12組のヨーロピアン・デザイナーをセレクトし、彼らの魅力的でユーモアに富んだプロダクトをみなさまにご紹介します。
今まさにヨーロッパで注目されているありとあらゆるモノたちが企画展として100% Shopに集結。ここでの最大の魅力は、プロダクトがその場でデザイナーから直接買えること!お楽しみに!

    ▼BLICKFANG websiteはこちら▼ http://www.blickfang.com/

 【5】毎年恒例designboom martが今年も賑わいます!
100% Shop内の企画展として、海外からおよそ30人のデザイナーが作品をプロモート&販売するグループエキシビション。各デザイナーの最新プロトタイプや限定商品など、デザイナー自らが会場で販売を行う活気溢れるdesignboom martは、今年5年目を迎える人気コンテンツです。オーガナイザーはイタリア・ミラノのデザインコンペティション・サイト運営などで活躍するデザイン・ブーム。

    ▼designboom websiteはこちら▼ http://www.designboom.com/eng/

 【6】デザインポータル『DESIGN CHANNEL』の今週の新着情報をお届け! 
    【2】NEWS FLASH動画


    ■2×4「IT IS WHAT IT IS」展  
    >>> http://www.design-channel.jp/member/0/event/detail/178/
    ■七宝 -色と細密の世界-
    >>> http://www.design-channel.jp/member/0/event/detail/179/

   【2】NEWS FLASH動画 

    >>> http://www.design-channel.jp/pubNewsFlashList.do?publicInfoId=429

    ■ザ・コンランショップ「Well considered」を発売
     >>> http://www.design-channel.jp/news/#426

    >>> http://www.design-channel.jp/news/#428

★DESIGN CHANNEL★ http://www.design-channel.jp/

Well, I always see the Conran Shops "Well considered" of the design seminar and Conran Shops held in a British embassy several months ago though I am a site of sale http://www.design-channel.jp/news/#426 and Europe where a lot of relations of the design of Britain etc. exist especially of liking design.
Britain all over the world especially. The design of Europe is seen. If it is possible to do, it is interesting when it is possible go to party.

DESIGN CHANNEL* http://www.design-channel.jp/

News headline
TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK opening party in collaboration with SPOT ON WIEN

【1】A Japanese site of the design site of London "Dezeen" opens to DESIGN CHANNEL on
October 1.

【2】TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK volunteer staff recruitment on a large scale inside.

【3】100% Design Tokyo: VIP & PRESS room by Karimoku and
Luminabella & Frenity

【4】BLICKFANG TOKYO is exhibited in 100% Design Tokyo tent this year.

【5】Established custom designboom mart is crowded this year every year.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Design portal site * DESIGN CHANNEL *
>>> http://www.design-channel.jp/
?To all the people who love design?Partner member and user member's (free of charge)
registration is here >>> Http://www.design-channel.jp/pubAboutMember.do.

【 front-page news 】TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK opening party
in collaboration with SPOT ON WIEN。The opening party held with 100% Design Tokyo tent holds it on the night of the first day of the TDW holding by SPOT ON WIEN and TDW sponsoring Design Association that comes to Japan state-of-the-art contemporary culture of Austria to do presentation to Japan.
This party makes the entire daylight tent of 100% Design Tokyo a hall, and raises the act by the opening music by SPOT ON WIEN. Does a grand night when an excellent design like 100% Design Tokyo Awards ceremony etc. done from the welcome drink distribution and 19:00 in the entrance in a super-studio is commended come?

Place: In TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK central hall
100% Design Tokyo tent?Entrance & super-studio date: opening party 19:00?100% Design
Tokyo Awards ceremony on Friday, 30th 18:00 of October (Category for winning: 100%
Design, 100% Designer, and 100% Prototype & 100% Shop)

【1】A Japanese site of London design site "Dezeen.com" opens to DESIGN CHANNEL on October 1. Dezeen is a design site from London. It is a design website in which it stood up in 2006 by active Marcus Fease as the writer and the editor of a lot of books such as 21st Century Design ・icon magazine・BLUEPRINT and the magazine and the newspapers.
Dezeen.com covers product design, construction, interior design, the art, and the fashion, and sends design news all over the world at any time promptly.
High-ranking ten entered as the most important design website in the world in the design section of the Times magazine of the United States last year. In DA, it translates aiming at the opening on October 1, and it is preparing it just now.

【 previous notice of publishing article 】
It is a bench of the biggest aluminum to < London design festival
attention designer introduction > Thomas by za-uikku.

Glasses that make < designer unit Aekae active in [chu-ricchi] and
London > buffalo horn material

< concept eco-friendly car of Renault >
I will promptly introduce a lot of design works all over the world.

Please expect the request.

【2】TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK volunteer staff recruitment on a large scale inside.

In this year's TOKYO DESIGNERS WEEK, "LOVE GREEN" is a theme. The volunteer staff who brightens up the event is recruited together. The person who wants to peep into the other side of the person and TDW that wants to meet a person who likes design and the latest design, please apply rapidly. It presents the participant TDW official T-shirt without omission.

Volunteer participation privilege
1.TDW official T-shirt present
2.The event invitation ticket is limited to participation for three
days or more of present *.
- Participation on the third: Participation on one piece and four:
Participation on two pieces and five: Three pieces
3.Transportation provision (/day up to 1,000 yen).
4.With lunch

- http://www.design-channel.jp/special/volunteer/..here... ..-.. apply

- The inquiry is here * volunteer@tdwa.com.

【3】100% Design Tokyo: VIP & PRESS room by [karimoku] and
Luminabella & Frenity

In 100% Design Tokyo, the design business is activated the introduction of VIP system in 2007.
【4】BLICKFANG TOKYO that comes the fourth anniversary is exhibited in 100%
Design Tokyo.

Brickfangu/Tokyo came the fourth anniversary of this year. This year's motto is SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING. 12 European designers are selected, and I introduce the product with which they were attractive and humorous to everybody.
It is of the attention in Europe now exactly and all mono-passing concentrate on 100% Shop as a special exhibition. The product should be able to be bought directly from the designer for the maximum charm here in the place. To the enjoyment.

- BLICKFANG website is here * Http://www.blickfang.com/

【5】Established custom designboom mart is crowded this year every year.
As the special exhibition in 100% Shop, about 30 designers are group exhibitions from foreign countries that sell promotion & as for the work. Designboom mart that the designer oneself like each designer's latest prototype and limited product, etc. sells in the hall with which vigor overflows is popular contents that receive year fifth of this year. The organizer is design a boom active by the design competition site management etc. of Italy Milan.
A designer in season is waiting for those who come in the hall.

- Designboom website is here * Http://www.designboom.com/eng/

【6】Newly arrived of this week information on design portal 'DESIGN CHANNEL' is
delivered. **≪INDEX≫***************************
【1】Recommendation event information
【2】NEWS FLASH animation
【3】The latest design news

【1】Recommendation event information

- 2×4"IT IS WHAT IT IS" Exhibition >>> http://www.design-channel.
- Cloisonne - color and the minute world -
>>> http://www.design-channel.jp/member/0/event/detail/179/

【2】NEWS FLASH animation

- Graduation design top of Japan exhibition 2009
>>> http://www.design-channel.jp/pubNewsFlashList.do?publicInfoId=429

【3】The latest design news
- The Conran Shops "Well considered" is put on the market >>> Http:/

- Kyodo branch/design of Hisanobu Tsujimura office + Mohun balance >>> Ltd.
of Ginza Akebono Http://www.design-channel.jp/news/#428

Design portal site
- DESIGN CHANNEL* http://www.design-channel.jp/