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Last day United States loos ambassader might be decided, it write here, and the said appearance be first time in Imperial Palace in the wagon though it already seemed to have started working today. It seems to improve the model, to have completed in the autumn of the next generation carrying moreover though it is a telephone put on the market, to have showing, and it will see or surely certain. whether consist further where in the target the enhancement of contents last day of service with the talentWorldwide

Infact investor of Sweden or .Sony Ericsson invest become feel business enhance that is a good at idea provide come paddle earning become

In addition it is .possibility,it will show a .new US ambassador.Is it good for the sale of foreign countries?However, though only the sense and it exists because it is an amateur.

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さて私は、べつのPR仕事でした。映画サブウエイの公開に先立ち9年ぶりの来日となるデンゼル・ワシントンです。これはサブウエイ123 激突という映画のキャンペーンで、今日リッツカールトンで行われた会見では、記者のひとが彼のファンで泣きじゃくって質問ができなくなるというハプニングがありましたが、1番笑ったのが、世界的な俳優でハリウッドでもジャーナリズムをえもともと専攻していたというだけに知的度が高い方です。でも本音爆発の会見後、彼の1番のお気に入りは実は電車の車掌さんであった。というのも、笑えます。この映画がサブウエイ物語なので、今日は東京都の都営地下鉄大江戸線にのってもらい、一日運輸所長をしてもらった。で実際スケジュ-ルが押しているので時間がなかったなか、いきなり地下鉄で機内アナウンスをしたいというので車掌から アナウンスの言葉を教えてもらったのだが、トウチャクチマーチュ・・って言葉がいまくいえないで、なんだかかわいらしかったですね、でも、本当に運行中地下鉄の電車の機内放送を ギャグで通そうとしていたが さすがに事故につながるんで やめましたが、今日は大江戸線に乗り込んだ偶然のお客さんはラッキーでしたね、構内アナウンスに挑戦したデンゼルさんが「デンシャ ガ トウチャク シマース」「デンシャ ガ シュッパツ シマース」と日本語でアナウンスするとよろこんでました。サプライズに、運良くそのアナウンスを耳にした乗客たちは、「ん??」と耳を疑っていたようだった。

Well, I was another PR work. It is Denzel Washington who becomes a visit to Japan after an interval of nine years before opening movie which tytle was Sabuway 123 subway clashes to the public. Having laughed by one watch is a worldwide actor and one with a high intellectual degree only to the stern and the major also of getting of journalism also in Hollywood though there was a happening that it becomes impossible for journalist's person to sob in his fan and to question on this in the interview held in Ritz Carlton in Tokyo today in the campaign for the movie of 123 subway clashes.

However, after it had had an interview the real intention explosion, his first favorite was actually a onductor of the train. Because it is possible to laugh. It was on a roll, and the transportation head of a day because this movie was a subway story today. the under metropolitan management subway Oedo Line of Tokyo at acted announce.

The word won't regret now [[touchakuchima-chu - It will be arrived ] : to a very accident however though taught the word of the announcement from the conductor because pushes and time wants to announce in-flight in the inside that not is and the subway suddenly ..lovely somehow..

though made an in-flight broadcasting of the train of operation during riding subway he wanted really an expert so by the gag though stopped because it connects. It was pleasure today when Denzel who was lucky a chance guest who boarded Oedo Line, and challenged the premises announcement announces in "[Densha ga touchakushima-su]", "[Densha ga shuppatsushima-su]", and Japanese. Passengers who had heard of the announcement fortunately seemed to have been doubting" and the ear the surprise.
In addition, Denzel who unfolded the battle of a man (John Travolta) who hijacks the subway and the tension :. 「This work has been understood through this appearance how very.

Respectfully of me in the people who are actually working. want .It solves and it greets it with a smile.
Wherever it seem to be regrettable that a super-do jam-packed schedule this time as it is regulations however and there is even no room, he want eat tenpura, and to say「 where?Where? is tempuras good taste syop?」It was a usual uncle who turned hearing it.