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式典に出席した1500人近い退役軍人の大半がイギリス人であったそうで、ブラウン首相は「史上最大の戦争における史上最大の上陸作戦で戦った勇敢な兵士たち」に敬意を表した。ただし、最近のイギリスの政治の低迷か?混迷を反映するかのように有名なオマハビーチをオバマ・ビーチと言い間違えていってしまったそうですが、夫のオバマ大統領に同この式典に出席したミシェル・オバマ米大統領夫人は、ナルシソ・ロドリゲスがデザイ手がけた白のスーツ。そしてカーラ・ブルーニさん、仏大統領夫人はクリスチャン・ディオールの白いドレスで式典に臨んだそうだ。なんでもエッフェル塔あたりはオバマ家族がいくと、人だかりだったそうだ、このあと帰国する予定だそうです。今回の訪問先は、サウジアラビア、エジプト、ドイツ、フランスでした。イラク関連の話し合いはできたのかしら?The commemorative ceremony was held with corbilsyumeru that looked down at Omaha Beach in the French Normandy provinces in which the furious struggle had been located on the sixth when the 65th anniversary from day of carrying out the Normandy landing operation that Allied Forces led the Continent under the Nazi Germany occupation to liberating in World War II "D day" came. Heads in a former union nations in U.S. President Barack Obama and others, France President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and Prime Minister Canada of the Stephen Harper attend in the ceremony.
This is a child of the head woman army of the ceremony attendance. However, it is lovely.

The number of Allied soldiers who land on France by the Normandy landing operation done on June 6, 1944 goes up to about 156,000 people in this. It was an event that 9387 American soldiers were killed in Omaha Beach in which the furious struggle was located in the strategy.
France President Sarkozy also makes a speech Narrator, "Never forget the victim on D day ..Obama.." in the speech. 「Never forget whether to have taken a heavy toll in human lives by this strategy how much or suffer like any to have been tasted. Never abandon the dream of achieving peace and the justice. 」It seems to describe.
The majority of a veteran near by 1500 people who attended the ceremony seemed to have been British, and respectfully of Prime Minister Brown in "Brave soldiers who had fought by a largest-ever amphibious landing in a largest-ever war". However, is it depression of the politics of recent Britain.Null perilla Rodriguez is ,white suit that famous Omaha Beach seems to be said and to have been mistaken like reflecting confusion for the Obama beach. Mrs. U.S. President Michele Obama who attended the this ceremony in President husband ObamaI hear that curler Bruni and a French first lady attended the ceremony with a white dress of Christian Dior and. It is the crowd when the Obama family goes, and it seems to schedule to return home after this anything per Eiffel Tower. This visit destination was Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Germany, and France. Was the discussion related to Iraq able to be done?

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The movie where 17-year-old Italian rice country person who returns to Buenos Aires in Argentina that spent infancy from New York is drawn is produced so that here may look for the elder brother of the writer who became missing before ten years the Vincent Gallo starring works it.
Supervisor Coppola said that it had made the best use of memories of the childhood to make it to "It is personal" work of the family Coppola though voluntarily handled the scenario in spite of not the autobiography. The production cost was 15 million dollars (about 1.45 billion yen), and taking a picture was done in 08 years, especially Italian in Buenos Aires immigrant district La Boca. The supervisor said the film in monochrome nearer the European movie system in the 1960's than the blockbuster of Hollywood this finished work.



The waitress tends to favor celeblity .. George Clooney seems to have begun to be couple from eyent with Lucie yesterday the waitress of the Miami living the usual celebrity moreover. Anyway, when you study the top thoroughly

Because private concentrates on the restaurant or the bar or the club by all means, waitress and celebrity's like to communication for gain stressfully ,
considerably is the best way ..
it seem to be considerably though happily to the acter and actress are always being had stressful by camera or masmedia.
The actor formation seems to be considerably glad when a busy inside core is permitted and it gives it for the smile from stuff .

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It is a situation of every day that changes variously in the evening today. It is a day of the cancellation today. As for me in japan this developed gets and thinks the story of the managing director who is and the report to be a really glad after a long time with such >
i had a talk in Italy of former Marubeni Corporation diligence.
and i talked the conversation with people who were assembly members' brains related to original Koizumi for this the House of Representatives.

さていきなりですが、音楽は好きですか?スウェーデン大使館から。Well, are it living, and do you like music?From Embassy of Sweden.
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- "The music of Sweden is happy in the 20th century. "

The 87th and Sweden research course in June of lecture meeting

Lecturer: Secretary-generaldirecter before center of (foundation)Sweden
Word: Japanese

Date: -8 o'clock on 6:00PM, Tuesday, June 30, 2009 (opening the doors at 5:30)
Place: The first floor in Swedish embassy auditorium (Minato Ward Roppongi 1-10-3)

The fee: The member of a Swedish social laboratory and the Swedish student and fund member day by day are the free nonmember 1000 yen, and student 500 yen (In the acceptance on that day).
TEL: 03-5661-6035 FAX: 03-3655-1596

Sponsoring: Swedish social laboratory co-sponsoring Corp.: Japan-Sweden Foundation Corp.

講演会 6月第87回スウェーデン研究講座

講師:戸羽 晟氏(財)スウェーデン交流センター前事務局長




会費:スウェーデン社会研究所会員、スウェーデン語受講者、日瑞基金会員は無料 非会員1000円、学生500円(当日受付にて) 


TEL: 03-5661-6035 FAX: 03-3655-1596


今回は、スウェーデン音楽をこよなく愛し、その紹介をライフワークにされている戸羽 晟 氏にスウェーデン音楽の魅力についてお話及び鑑賞いただきます。ドイツ系の音楽に比べるとスウェーデンの音楽はマイナーと思われるが、その美しく、物寂しい旋律は聞く人の心に深く沁み込みます。戸羽氏はスウェーデンクラッシック音楽のCD.LPを400枚以上蒐集し、今講演ではスウェーデン音楽の巨匠と言われる、ステーンハンマルやルーセンベリだけでなく、シェーグレン、ニューストロームなど日本では余り知られてないが、現代音楽においてスウェーデンを世界の先進国に導いた作曲家の魅力をCDを通じて充分堪能して頂きます。6月のスウェーデンは白夜で一年中で最も美しい季節を迎えます。戸羽氏の解説は美しいスウェーデンのイメージに豊な色彩を添えてくれることでしょう。是非、多勢の方のご参加を期待いたします。



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