やっと戻ってきたね。イランで米国のためにスパイ行為をしたとして禁固8年の判決を受けた後、執行猶予付きの禁固2年に減刑され釈放された日系米国人ジャーナリスト、ロクサナ・サベリ(Roxana Saberi)さん。米ワシントンD.C.(Washington D.C.)の国務省でヒラリー・クリントン(Hillary Clinton)国務長官(右)と面会したようです。日系人だけでもクリントンさんは以前は相手にしなかったのに自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter イランの関連があるのでしょうね。

自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter スナップ写真。「ピース・ イエーイイ・肩組もうぜ」って感じですかね?このおじ様方もとりあえず国をつかさどる偉い人々です。カジュアル過ぎないですかね。。でも中国のおじさんはまじめに移ってますけれど。面白いスナップ写真みーつけた!It finally returned. It is assumed that spying was done in Iran for the United States, and it is Japanese American journalist, and after the confinement receiving the decision of eight years, it is Roxana Saberi (Roxana Saberi) who is commuted the confinement in two years and was released with the suspension of sentence. It seems to have seen Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (Hillary Clinton) (right) in the Department of State in U.S. Washington, D.C. (Washington D.C.). Ms. Clinton might have the relation of Iran only even by Japanese descent before though did not take notice.
And, like casual people of here like party of something. 。However, the president and seeing often is a full paddle.
Candid photograph. Is "Let's peace and unite the shoulder" feeling?It is great people that this uncle person also rules the country for the time being. Isn't it too casual?。However, the uncle in China : though moves seriously. Interesting snap photograph was fined up.









It is Susan voile's matter though here is a different topic. From the news agency
I hear that the final of the audition program 'Britain GATT talent' of Britain to which Susan voile from Scotland is advancing is finally done on the 30th by the way. Now since it becomes famous worldwide, voile is already to dream world. She dreamt to become a singer and has lived though it is done that it was wimpy clothes recently a little for atanded stage program 'Britain GATT talent' . she has bacame a little fashionable in the television when i was saw at TV and You tube. Susan of acquiring the clodhopper, and not experiencing the kiss either is 48 years old. Inserted song "The dream tore" of the musical 'Les Miserables' was sung by 'Britain GATT talent', and the world's attention was bathed in. Voile's video at this time contributed to YouTube was watched about as many as 100 million times though the person who was sacrificed the person though the world had the talent and had not started in life thought that it was really a lot. I hear that actress Demi Moore and Bon Jovi singer John are captivated, and media were filled with the singing voice also in the United States, Australia, Japan, and China. Judge Pierce Morgan of this program performed to the U.S. talk show to which Larry King served as the chairperson, and said, "It is thought that the possibility of Susan was infinity".
「Susan wants to become a professional singer. All over the world becomes crazy about her. At least, I think that I can accomplish this purpose. 」
It is in the size of the expectation and voile also has the person who writes whether it is possible to endure in YouTube in the fan that sees voile to whom the condition sometimes shifts though "Memory" of the musical 'Cats' was announced in the semifinal held on the 24th.
Weak world ..vary dramatically..voile..firmly..set foot on soil..emphasize.When it is asked by Larry King, "Do you change if it becomes famous?"「Why do you change?It is not solitary and has only become it any longer when becoming famous. 」It answered.

Stardom that changes radically from sober life

Voile lives by the unemployed with a pet cat in the public housing in Britain Edinburgh suburbs Blackburn though it became famous. It was not possible to get a lucky break though it had participated in the audition program so far. And, it was given up to sing for sick mother who had nursed two years ago to die.
It is said that voile falls into the oxygen deprivation when giving birth, and it was bullied in the school. When standing before a microphone for the first time in Britain GATT talent', the spectator and the judge leaked laughing to curly hair with which the gray hair mixed and a thick eyebrow. However, when voile who named, British media were "Hair Lee angel" began to sing, the spectator and the judge were overwhelmed.

Media are greatly paid to attention.
Voile is popularity in the talk show of the United States. In addition, the name appears in TV animation 'Simpson's' and 'South Park', etc.
On the other hand, to photograph voile's every word and deed in surroundings at simple home, reporters have gathered. It was taken a picture to the appearance to dye the hair, and to pull out the eyebrow last month. There is Internet in one of the reasons why voile becomes famous. The animation of voile of YouTube also has the report with most in history reproduction frequencies. Micro blog service "Tuitta" also influenced. The comment of Demi Moore who had written that it had shed tears for voile's singing voice here was taken up in a lot of media.

Existence of voile who became hope of people
However, a quiet decision of voile who wants to transform dream to reality starts appealing for something that is stronger from a mere technology.
「The Susan voile was an ugly duckling who did not have to become a swan. She has realized dreams of a lot of oppressed people only by the face the cruelty of the culture that judges the person. 」。The commentator of the British times paper explained so. Morgan expressed voile's appearance, "Came to become the good in the world out of thin air". 「For the Susan voile to have gone alone to make us a smile, to stirred up, and to have optimistic feelings. It is that animation ..'.. [mi] in a person all over the world. I think' says, and is very wonderful. 」
Voile was bet- .the bookmaker of Britain bet shop is the most popular of the favorite. The check for the right and 100,000 pounds (about 15 million yen) that performs to the public entertainments event and the royal variety performance that queen Elizabeth also attends is presented if it wins the championship.
It is bright in voile's future regardless of the whereabouts of the victory. It is also in Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical to appearance in West End in London besides being told that the contract and the album release with the recording label are decided. Anyway, it is happiness.