ファッショナブルなUMPC 用バッグ.デザイン関連をみていたらPC用のバッグを見つけました。これはかわいい。
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Sweetcover New concept by Sweetcover Co. in Paris in Marubeni Corporation Info Tech Ltd.. It is bag "Sweetcover(TM)" for PC. If storage is completed only by being able to use at once, and shutting, and the steering wheel that can expand and contract is extended if it opens by combining the notebook computer with the bag, it seems to be able to carry as it is.


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彼ら元気です・・・インタビューはあとからまた 別の映画でチャンツイーも来日しています。 Sense of values changes variously if the age is piled up however, and the one that I want to see and the wanted one are interesting and changing fast is also interesting ..three.. to come when it is in its twenties ..me.. and in its thirties though I honest have the age when the travel was repeated when it travels and I work when working so as not to regret the travel around my stress reduction and there is a canceled Kei tendon, too and when the sense of the travel and the form of work change. one degreeWorking actually is left to the person recently, and when going, when going like the pilot etc. , it becomes, and the first site is a lover in reality in so-called person, adhering combination, and person's [ko-deineito] [nadourakata] to ..working actually.. site of work before it is ..sticking.. when the form of work in me changes though it liked to act together though the American Continent and time ran from Asia from Europe at a certain time. ..[mawaru]..However, my sense of values has changed into the movie event because it came to often take it in shape to handle all the people of Cast, too. Still, the site is good. Have it become a standpoint where management and the business are done?Though receiving people on the side where management is done comes to like it ‥ By the way, it is movie "Australia" that has been told since yesterday.
自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter Official site ‥ Http://movies.foxjapan.com/australia/?foxad_id=yah_null_australia_090219_0

Hokkaido in Japan that is my hometown. Well, timing is a movie formation like very goodness visit to Japan though said that the tourist is not coming very much lately either though the tourist from Australia was actually enjoying the canoe and the hot spring and the first valley [kudariwoyoku] in Japan. It is energetic ..them.. ・・・ ‥ and it has come to Japan [chantsui-] by another movie. ついでにオーストラリア関連ではナショナルバンクのおにいさんのショットもごらんになれますけれど。。。こちらからどうぞ・・以前セミナー講演ありがとう・結構俳優みたいな感じかしら??  http://www.nikkei.co.jp/ps/nab/   
自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 映画キャンペーンにてついで、オーストラリアきゃんぺーんと同じでジャックマン氏と引けをとってないとおもう ナショナル オーストラリア銀行の日本代表Greg Storyさんということで。。。(グレッグ・ストーリー)宣伝終了。。。nikkei Incidentally in the Australia relation though it is possible to come to seeing it as for the shot of the elder brother in national banks. 。。Is it feeling ..lecture.. thank you for the seminar like the actor considerably before ..‥.. or in representation from Japan Greg Story of National Australia Bank that thinks if you take away the same or neither Mr. Jack man [ya;npe] [nto] of coming of the opportunity and Australia in ?? http://www.nikkei.co.jp/ps/nab/movie campaign nor closing. 。。(Greg story)Advertising end. 。。nikkei








face book/mixiも参加できます・・
自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter FRANCE TOKYO パーティー N°4

FRENCH JAPANESE party in a cafe club in Shibuya !!
let s meet together for a casual french style evening !!!
カジュアルフレンチパーティーです。 /フランス語も勉強になりそうです。

20:00 --- 23:30  entrance fee : 1000 yens
drinx : 500 yens  

reservations and infos on パソコン

 paris japon/ parisien japonais / francais nihon ...P A R I S + JAPON !
情報交換出来るコミュニティーです。 パンパリでイベントワイングラスを企画しています。
日仏交流のカジュアルイベントです。 双子座旅行者、短期・長期滞在者問わず。目がハート
パソコン パリジャポン - FACEBOOK
A bientot !!!
Mixiコミュニティー FRANCE TOKYO にご参加下さい
Mixiコミュニティー FRANCE KANSAI にご参加下さい
MixiコミュニティーFRANCE NAGOYA にご参加下さい


Participation [kochira] introduces Steffen's event.

It is exchange [pa-tei] that understands Japan and France.

Work for man who got acquainted coming of the summer of this year in France before to come to Japan and to import is scheduled to be done.

Though the shop of the fashion clothes is scheduled to be opened though it is small

Interested person in this [pa-tei] must participate.

Face book/mixi can also participate ‥ FRANCE TOKYO party N°4.
FRENCH JAPANESE party in a cafe club in Shibuya It is a casual let s meet together for a casual french style evening French party. It seems also to study/French.

(English and Japanese are OK. )
20:00 --- 23:30 entrance fee : 1000 yens
drinx : 500 yens

reservations and infos on http://www.francetokyo.com
paris japon/ parisien japonais / francais nihon ...P A R I S + JAPON !
The person who lives in Paris or has livedIt is a community that can exchange information. The event is planned in Paris. It is a casual event of the Japan-France exchange. Traveler and short term and long-term stayer [mon] ..boiling.. [zu].
Paris Japon FACEBOOKhttp://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=65861790294

A bientot !!!
It participates in Mixi community FRANCE TOKYO and http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl ?. It participates in id=3351728 Mixi community FRANCE KANSAI and http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl ?. It participates in id=2502437 Mixi community FRANCE NAGOYA and http://mixi.jp/edit_community.pl ?. id=3871623