

長編映画 『 レオニー 』

映画タイトル 『 レオニー 』
監督と脚本 松井久子 『 折り梅 』『 ユキエ 』
キ ャ ス ト 中村獅童 『 硫黄島からの手紙 』
物   語



コ メ ン ト この役つかめば世界的ハリウッドスターかも?
条     件



撮影予定迫っています 2009年3月からだが無理でしょうね?まだ
撮 影 場 所 ロサンゼルス、日本予定
英      語


Worldwide carver Isamu Noguchi post that guides recruitment has not been decided yet.

Feature-length pictures'Leoni'

Movie title'Leoni'Carver Isamu Noguchi who represents supervisor and the 20th [**warabe] Hisako scenario Matsui 'Fold plum tree' and '[Yukie]' Cast Nakamura 'Letter from Ioto' story century

Story that drew American's single mother "Leoni Gilmore"

Is it this worldwide Hollywood star of the comment of post [tsukameba]?Condition man's/19 years old Japanese man. Isamu Noguchi.

Handsome, intellectual man. Starring. Half face.

The taking a picture schedule might be impossible though from approaching March, 2009. Person of taking a picture place Los Angeles and Japan schedule English higher rank still


自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter
 先日米ABCで放送された第81回アカデミー賞授賞式中継の視聴率は史上最低を記録した昨年に比べて約6%アップしたそうだ。彼の健闘もつい昨日のような気配ですが、とりあえず世界で1番セクシーな男性の一人と言われているそうですが明日の映画「オーストラリア」の自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter ジャパンプレミアの準備は注目を浴びそうですね。これに先立ちこの映画公開と同時にタイアップをしておりますので映画をごらんになった半券をお持ちくださりタイアップしている店に入店されると会計から10%割引いたします。ただし裏面に使用後にスタンプを、そして、満席の場合入店できない場合期間中使用できないこともありますのでご了承くださいませ。Visit to Japan/CAWed such as Hugh Jack man, February 25, and 2009 themes: Blog
Hugh Jack man

He has come to the book nowadays. I hear that the audience rating of the 81st Academy Awards Presentation relay broadcast in U.S. ABC the other day improved by about 6% compared with last year when an all-time low was recorded. The preparation for the Japan premiere of tomorrow's movie "Australia" seems inadvertently to be remarkable to his good fight though it seems to be said one of the the first sexily men for the time being in the world though it is a sign like yesterday. The movie is tied up at the same time as opening this movie to the public before this and when it has the seen stub and it is entered by the shop tied up, will be discounted from accounting with [teorimasuno] by 10% by me. However, please acknowledge not using it for the period when it is not possible to enter for the stamp and overcapacity after it uses it on the reverse.


It is a Sydney style French restaurant in Marunouchi named [modan;o-sutorarianresutoransoruto].
自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter


モダンオーストラリアンレストラン ソルトという丸の内のシドニースタイルフレンチレストランです

自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

オーストラリア・シドニーのスターシェフ Chef, Luke Mangan(シェフ、ルーク・マンガン)


東京都千代田区丸の内1-5-1 6F TEL 03-5288-7828
営業時間:ランチ 11:00~15:30、ディナー 17:30~23:00

自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter



東京都渋谷区松涛1-26-22 TEL 03-3469-0125

ここでもタイアップしています ワニ料理はフロリダで食べたとき以来でした。ああ 硬い肉だけど





自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter
自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter 自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter
Star chef Chef in Australia Sydney and Luke Mangan (chef and rook manganese)

Will my one discount here though it is the first in overseas branch shop restaurant.

Tokyo..Chiyoda..Ward..Marunouchi..business hours..lunch..dinner..have no holiday.
[Arossa] always collects only more than 200 kinds of wines from Australia.

It is grill & wine bar.

Tokyo Shibuya Ward Shoto 1-26-22 TEL 03-3469-0125 business hours: 18:00-26:00 (no holiday all the year round)

Also here, the crocodilian dish tied up was time of eating in Florida. In ..saying.. [niku] Ah of [kata]

Be considerably delicious, and the sleep meat made soft with something. It can eat such a dish.

Here comes by one discount.

・Steaming thing of [shichiria] eggplant and saute affixing of crimini mushroom
・[Benie] of bud of pumpkin flower, [mottsua;rerrachi-zu], anchovy, and broccoli stuff
・Echalote cooked with foie gras from France and red wine jelly
・Homemade mix pickles
・Okhotsk [san**] scallop and [jure] affixing of salting zucchini, honey marinade of turnip, and [sheri-vinega-]
・White lobster from Madagascar and marinade of salting zucchini and red olive
・Oven grilling of tomato made semi-dry with brioche and Pecorino Romano with sardine
・Tart affixing of duck's [rietto], prune, and burnt walnut
・Leaf of rabbit from France thigh meat and carrot and salads of [shaurusuchi-zu] and rucola
・Kumamoto [san;umasa] [shino] carpaccio
・The escargot, and the sirloin ham and potpie of a red scallion
・Tartare of frit black olive of soft shell club
・[Babette] of red pepper of length of [aoama] and no [ara] from Hagi [jako]
・Baby sheep's tongue, water eggplant, and [marutaria-tei;] of buckwheat flour
・Tagliatelle of NZ production [gurasufeddobi-fu], Stilton, and mustard lightly dried
・The prawn, and painful tomato sauce and [garuganerri] of the Thailand style
・Ravioli of cheese cream that [rukkorape-suto] enters with Polenta
・Farfalle that [chihamaguri] and raw ham often cooked
・Champagne source with bush clover direct sending chicken grunt and clam's saute green peppers
・Sweet herb bread crumbs grill of bush clover direct sending [masoi]
・Source of sausage and Porto wine of duck's cuisse
・Puree affixing of grill potato of [hoketto]
・Ham of ram redloch that lightly does smoke and roast affixing of small onion
・Pot-au-feu tailoring of minced meat of Oyama [chiniwatori] packed into West [negi]
・Crocodilian's from Australia tapenade grill
・Roast red wine source of domestic ostrich fillet meat
・[Ezo] deer's [taria-takashisuso-su]
・Only milk applies the smell with the baby sheep with salvia of red [katakabura] and the olive and the bread crumbs grilling.
・France Ubuyama pigeon's roast grain mustard affixing
・Saute and [kadaifu] affixing of Tasmania salmon soaked to spice
・Smell and [sauzanso-su] affixing of cutlet of potato ..spanner crab and rubbing lower [taja].. and marjoram
・Baby sheep's [gurirudohanba-gu] and red-wine sauce

The photograph of face is the following of yesterday's CA [shuwaruttsunega-kariforunia] state governor's advertising campaign new version etc. and the person in question.