自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter

お礼とご案内をいたします 掲載をお知らせするのに時間がかかってしまったことに

お詫び申し上げます。鬼澤さまの気持ちに感謝申し上げます。以前デザイン関連でお世話になり興味のあることがたくさん掲載されているデザインの一番新しいことを、デザインの部類では世界のトップに入る新しいクリエイトのイヴァンとやニュースなどが毎回たくさん詰まっていますdesign AssociationNewsですが、

今回は、2009年度 理事会の内容報告とデザイン特講PLUS@新丸ビル受講者募集中のお知らせなどをご案内いたします。森ビルさまありがとうございます。池坊さまもフランス展示など感性展示ご苦労様でした。
自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter


サイトご案内 http://www.design-channel.jp/
 2009年度 理事会の内容報告


   富士通デザイン株式会社 代表取締役 加藤公敬氏
   華道家 池坊美佳氏
   副理事長 株式会社CHINTAI 代表取締役会長 佐藤茂氏

   2009年度 理事名
   会長       浅葉克己
   代表(理事長)  川崎健二
   副理事長     森 浩生  (森ビル)
   副理事長     佐藤 茂 (CHINTAI)
   理事        伊東豊雄  (建築家)
              川上元美  (デザイナー)
              隈 研吾  (建築家)
              島田康史  (ルミナベッラ)
              田淵 諭  (多摩美術大学 教授)
              鶴田 浩 (リアルスタイル)
              眞木 準 (コピーライター)
              加藤公敬 (富士通デザイン)
              池坊美佳 (華道家)
              越智茂樹  (事務局)
   監事        阿部陽一  (税理士)
              沖 健次  (東京造形大 教授)




   テーマ:住環境デザイン 招聘メディア:住関連媒体
   1.100%Design Tokyo

   1.TDW イベント
    SHOP展・プロ展・学生展・コンテナ展・100%Design Tokyo

    デザインポータルサイト「DESIGN CHANNEL」の運営を通して学校
ジとして 「デザインの運動体」として活動しております。今後とも皆様のご支援ご指
導を賜りたく、お願い申し上げます。 デザインアソシエーション事務局

協賛  自然体ブログ発信Selfish free mutter BC・Wood / Blickfang GmbH / EU Gateway To Japan / 株式会社阪急コミュニケーションズ / ギャラリー・間 / スコットランド国際開発庁 / スペイン大使館 / フィンランド大使館 / マガジンハウス  Casa BRUTUS / レコールバンタン / 株式会社J-WAVE / 株式会社主婦の友社  雑貨カタログ編集部 / 株式会社町田ひろ子アカデミー / 株式会社日経BP / 多摩美術大学 / 読売新聞東京本社

 デザインポータル『DESIGN CHANNEL』の今週の新着情報を
お届け。デザイン特講 /デザイン特講PLUS@新丸ビル 受講者募集中!
   講師:CMディレクター 中島信也氏 
   日時:2009年2月27日(金) 18:30~20:00
   会場:新丸ビル3階 アトリウム

 って」など。 ウェブサイト:
なお第4回 佐藤可士和氏の講演は、定員に達しましたので、募集を終了いたし
   ○デザイン特講はこちら http://www.design-channel.jp/pubAcademyTop.do
東京発デザインポータルサイト『DESIGN CHANNEL』

Design Association/France event Japan exchange [pa-tei] Wed, February 25, and 2009 themes: Blog
Does not [shuwa] come to anther Japan?。。Thinking so ‥

To taking time to inform them of publishing that will do the reward and the guide

I apologize. We wish to express our gratitude for Mr./Ms. Onizawa's feelings.

It is indebted by the design relation and has been published interested a lot before.

The thing with the newest design in the class of the design though design AssociationNews with which every time a lot of Ivan of new Create that enters the world in the top and news, etc. are packed

This time..fiscal year 2009..board of directors..content..report..design..lecture..Marunouchi Bldg..student..recruitment..inform..guide.Thank you for the forest building. Mr./Ms. Ikenobo was the sensibility exhibition of France exhibition etc. hardship externals.


Guide http://www.design-channel.jp on site/=============================================================================
Report of content of board of directors in fiscal year 2009=============================================================================
The board of directors in fiscal year 2009 was held on Monday, February 16, and the approval of an earnings call in fiscal year 2008, a line of action of fiscal year 2009, and a new director was gotten and it ended safely.

The design is newly promoted for the content of the activity of the design association in fiscal year 2009 centering on activity "Creation of the design culture", "Revitalization of the design business", and "Promotion of the next designer of the generation" as the movement body of the design, and moreover, the running social contribution activity is promoted and three purposes are promoted more clearly.

It was confirmed to go in the board of directors. Hereafter, it is a matter matter.

- Approval matter of new director
Mika Sir.. Takashi Kato of representative director of Fujitsu design Ltd. flower arrangement person Ikenobo
I got assumption from the above-mentioned people ..more than Shigeru Sato of Chairman of the Board and Representative Director of sub-chief director Ltd. CHINTAI...

Name of director in fiscal year 2009
Chairman Asaba self-control representative (chief director) and director Shigeru (CHINTAI) of sub-chief director Kenji Kawasaki [morihiroshiu] (forest building) sub-chief director Sato Ito Yutaka male (architect)
Sir.. Kawaue former beauty (designer), Kengo Kuma (architect), [yasushishi] Shimada ([ruminaberra]) Satoshi Tabuchi (professor of Tama University of Arts), Hiroshi Tsuruta (real style) Maki, and Takashi (Fujitsu design) Maiko Kawaue (actress), Mika Ikenobo (flower arrangement person), and Shigeki Ochi Kato (secretariat)
Yoichi inspector Abe (licensed tax accountant) and [okikenji] (Tokyo forming large professor)

Theme j in fiscal year 2009"GREEN& dwelling environment"

It holds every year and it is popular. Tokyo designer's week.

It proposes to be able to do "Design" to the society now. "GREEN design project" of which individual life design ties to global environment.

"Dwelling environment" is set in the feature [shita] theme. "Dwelling environment" that it is basis of our life, and is base of living. All the life designs have linked there. Individual "Dwelling environment" ties to the environment of the world and the earth in the society in the region. It is "GREEN design project" that thinks about the environment from my residence that doesn't approach the environment from the earth, nature, and the sea and the mountain but starts from the small approach of my departure.
GREEN design project
Theme: Living environmental design invitation media: Medium 1.100%Design Tokyo related to living
2.Container exhibition
4.Student work exhibition
5.Zero exhibition
6.The world editor in chief conference

- DA activity plan of fiscal year 2009
Three purposes to achieve contribution to society.
1.TDW event
A global design business is activated through SHOP exhibition, a professional exhibition, [gakuseiten], the container exhibition, and 100%Design Tokyo world editor in chief conference.
2.Management of design portal site/

Communications of the designer and the enterprise inside and outside the country of the school are activated through the management of design portal site "DESIGN CHANNEL".
3.Inauguration of establishment establishment preparation committee in design library
It aims to place mainly the activity that types out the indicator to the social contribution activity more clearly after current year, and to achieve three purposes.
The design association .."The design changes this country".. ..message.. is acting as "Movement body of the design". It wants to receive, and it will ask for the support guidance of everybody in the future. Design association secretariat

- =============================================================================
Newly arrived of this week information on design portal 'DESIGN CHANNEL' is delivered. It ....design.. ..special.. lecture.. ../ design.. ..special.. lectures and the PLUS@ new Marunouchi Building student is being recruited.
In design ..special.. lecture PLUS, it dashes out from the current hall, the creator is invited in a new hall, and the Now open! of designing the special lecture. It cooperates in a Marunouchi Building and a new Marunouchi Building this time, and it does by the third floor in new Marunouchi Building atrium.
The 5th theme: My CM direction
Lecturer: Shin'ya CM director NakashimaDate: Friday, February 27, 2009 18:30?20:00 (Is the acceptance beginning 18:00?).
Hall: The third floor in new Marunouchi Building atrium sponsoring: Marunouchi Building and new Marunouchi Building
【 profile 】
 Fukuoka Prefecture birth in 1959.
It serves as a new Tohoku executive director of the company while the production of a lot of CM is handled.
A lot of prizes are won by amusement and high CM to make good use of the digital technique.
The most important work is Nissin cup noodle "hungry?" (Cannes advertisement grand prix).

Suntory Limited "Combustion system amino type", "Iuemon", and Shiseido corporate "Become me new", etc.Website: Http://www.tfc.co.jp/Application of attending a lecture is here https://fs222.formasp.jp/r395/form2/Because the 4th [satoukashiwa]'s lecture had reached the fixed number, recruitment was ended. Thank you for the application a lot. - Here [ha] http://www.design-channel.jp/pubAcademyTop.do ..design.. ..special.. lecture----------------------------------------------------------------
Design portal site 'DESIGN CHANNEL' from Tokyo Http://www.design-channel.jp/