バリー・ディラー さん

IAC - Board of Directors Profiles

バリー・ディラー(Barry Diller )さん。先月来日していました。さいきんグーグルがほしいよーと嘆いているようですが・・バリーさんは経歴をいうと、彼はアメリカ合衆国実業家パラマウント映画20世紀フォックス の会長兼CEOを歴任、フォックス放送 創設に携わるなど、メディア界の大物です。カリフォルニア州 サンフランシスコ 出身。UCLA 中退後、ウィリアム・モリス・エージェンシー 勤務を経て、1966年、ABC に入社。1969年には映画部門の責任者として、テレビ映画 のレギュラー番組「ABC Movie of the Week」を創設する。1974年、パラマウント映画 の会長兼CEOに就任。「サタデー・ナイト・フィーバー 」、「レイダース/失われたアーク《聖櫃》 」、「インディ・ジョーンズ/魔宮の伝説 」、「ビバリーヒルズ・コップ 」など数々のヒット作を生み出す。パラマウント映画時代の部下として、マイケル・アイズナージェフリー・カッツェンバーグ などがいる。


paramaunt http://www.paramount.jp/movie/top.html

1984年、Fox, Inc.(20世紀フォックス およびフォックス放送 の親会社)の会長&CEOに。

20世紀フォックスでも「ダイ・ハード 」や「プレデター 」などのヒット作を連発するとともに、フォックス放送の創設(1986年)に携わる。しかし、1992年には親会社のニューズ・コーポレーションルパート・マードック と衝突、Foxを去る。同年、テレビショッピング チャンネル・QVC の経営権を取得、会長に就任。パラマウント映画やCBS の買収を企むが失敗に終わり、大株主のコムキャスト にQVCを追われる羽目になる。

1995年、QVCのライバルでTCI (1999年AT&T と合併、2001年にメディア部門がリバティメディア として独立)がオーナーのホーム・ショッピング・ネットワーク(HSN)を自らの会社(独立局を運営する「Silver King」)と合併。1997年にはUSAネットワーク を買収。同年にはオンラインチケット業者「チケットマスター 」を買収、以後数多くのインターネット関連会社を傘下に収める。2002年、USAネットワークの娯楽部門をヴィヴェンディ・ユニバーサル に売却、会社名を「USA Interactive」(現「IAC/InterActiveCorp」)に変更、自らの事業をショッピング部門に特化。Bury Diller

IAC - Board of Directors Profiles
Bury Diller (Barry Diller ). It had come to Japan last month. Though it seems to be grieved that it wants the Google ‥ When Bury says the career, he is a businessman in the United States. It is a media magnate as chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox are held successively, and it is involved in the Fox broadcasting foundation, etc.From San Francisco, CaliforniaIt joins ABC through the William Morris agency work in 1966 after it leaves before graduation school of UCLA. Regular program "ABC Movie of the Week" of the telemovie is founded as a person in charge of the movie section in 1969. It assumes the position of chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures in 1974. A lot of box office hits such as "Saturday night fever", "Raiders of the Lost Ark 《 Sahits 》", "Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom", and "Beverly Hills Cop" are invented. There are Michael Eisner and Jeffrey Cattsembarg, etc. as a subordinate in the Paramount Pictures age.

Jeffrey Cattsembarg

To chairman &CEO of Fox and the Inc.(20th Century Fox and parent company of the
Fox broadcasting) in 1984.

Box office hits such as "Die Hard" and "Predator" are fired in rapid succession, and it is involved in the foundation of Fox broadcasting (1986) also in 20th Century Fox. However, it collides with Rupert Murdoch of news Corporation of the parent company in 1992, and Fox is left. The management right of the television shopping channel and QVC is acquired, and it assumes the position of the chairman in the same year. It falls through, and QVC comes to be chased by big shareholder's Comcast though the purchase of Paramount Pictures and CBS is plotted.

It amalgamates by the rival of QVC with the company ("Silver King" that manages an independent bureau) in 1995 voluntarily ..TCI (The media section is independent to the amalgamation and 2001 of AT&T in 1999 as Liberty Media).. owner's home shopping network (HSN). USA Network is purchased in 1997. Online ticket trader "Ticket Master" is purchased in the same year, and the Internet related companies thereafter a lot are put in the subsidiary. It specializes to Vivendi Universal the entertainment division of USA Network in 2002, and it specializes in "USA Interactive" (present "IAC/InterActiveCorp") the clearance and the company name and it specializes in the shopping section ..a change and an own business...


出演者スポンサー関連 http://media.excite.co.jp/globalsummit/kigyou.html


Internship @ DreamWorks Theatricals(インターンシップ@ドリームワークス・シアトリカルズ)の再度お知らせです。

制作はドリームワークス・シアトリカルズですが、インターンを募集したいそうだ。 彼の会社でのシュレック関連









DreamWorks Shiatoricalz newly established under DreamWorks animation.

It works in marketing & sales team of the Broadway musical version of Shrek who starts on December 14, 2008. The internship is recruited. The intern life comes to obtain the chance to work at a new company that takes charge of marketing, sales, and production while related with an outside person related to the stage.
Any situation is hoped to be able to maintain motivation for myself management, produce, the marketing of the art, and the change of Corocoro person's feelings if it is very said that I am also strict coldly with Crieitiv in this industry Entame world because it is an environment with a very fast pace as for very true Entame ..wonder... and the 1st essentialThe world of the movie animated cartoon industry named all over the world genuine Entame when working here though it is mentally strong.

Work with a top person is acquired. Interested one in this work is an ideal.

Marketing research & report and & of participation in sales analysis, management support,
and meeting clerk

The making & maintenance and marketing support etc. of the filesystem can be
acquired. It becomes the participation internship to the spring program in January, 2009.
Moreover, even a pace of work enthusiastic possible of self management, fast, site that is
considerably the skill in the foreigner for the necessity :.

It is hoped to be able to maintain motivation for myself.
It must excel in the communications skill, and there must be knowledge of Microsoft Office (the word and Excel & Outlook).
It is a man and woman and an intern that says wanting recruitment. It must be 22-26 years old. Racial pretermission.
It is an intern who works in marketing, sales, and the production section.

◎ナタリー・ポートマン主演。監督ドンルース。 映画『Love and Other Impossible Pursuits(ラブ・アンド・アザー・インポッシブル・パースーツ)』エキストラ




共演はスコット コーエン。 チャーリーターハーンら。

この作品は、Incentive Filmed Entertainmentが出資する最初の作品で今年5月のカンヌ映画祭でウィリアム・モリス・エージェンシーによって紹介されたもの。



この作品については今回主演のナタリーポートマン。彼女自身は、自身の製作会社ハンサムチャーリー・フィルムズを通して、製作総指揮も担当。またParticipant Productionsファーストルック契約も結んでいる。

今回このお配給会社 Incentive Filmed EntertainmentのDavid Molner会長。ポートマンが主役でジェニファーロペスの離脱で困っていたがよかったですね。

- Natalie Portman starring. Supervisor Don loose. Movie 'Love and Other Impossible Pursuits (love and Azar Imposshibl par suit)' extra.Handsome Charlie Filmuz production. Iaret Waldman original of Natalie Portman starring. It is a Don loose supervisor work. NY taking a picture. The extra wanted in the man and woman. Age pretermission. Racial pretermission.
Strippers (nude scene none) who relax in family, friends, be getting pregnant woman, and sands where it plays with remote control boat extra at various positions like post etc.
This is a story that rebuilds marital relations through the relation of a young woman to precocious Tsmusco.

At first, a loose supervisor also joins this in the scenario, writing and mark Platt schedule, and the hand schedules produce though it is what Jennifer Lopez was uniting by the starring schedule and the project was an advanced work. Co-starring is Scott Cohen. Charretarharn. The crank in in NY since November 10 this month is scheduled. This work is the one introduced by William Morris Agency with the first work that Incentive Filmed Entertainment invests in the Cannes Film Festival in May this year. It was announced that it would schedule from among a total output cost of 100 million dollars the investment in the work of the budget 15 million dollars or less. And, the United States, an overseas distributing agency, and the license are scheduled to be sold as soon as the work in the future is made to this produced work.

As for this work, it is Natalie Portman of starring this time. She takes charge of the total production command through own production company handsome Charlie Filmuz. Moreover, the Participant Productions first look contract is made. David Molner chairman of this distributing agency Incentive Filmed ntertainment this time. It was good though Portman had been embarrassed as a leading part because of Jennifer Lopez's secession.