
【fune】Japanese Decoupage 3days certificate program  生徒さん作品

Here it is! It’s a beautiful decoupage art project completed by our student @mirabelledecoupage from Malaysia.  She chose a paper “KAKITSUBATA”, Rabbitear Iris from our【fune】brand on this artwork and on beautifully finished background like a traditional Japanese folding-screen.  Look at this beautiful background painting she made...it’s perfect and beautiful...✨she did a great work👏💕

Japanese Decoupage certificate program is our own program which can be taken only at Japan Art Paper Association.  You can learn traditional Japanese painting techniques including with the arrangements/color gradations.  For decoupage papers, our beautiful decoupage paper “fune” designed by a professional “Irie-shi” in Kyoto will be used.

Regarding this new program, please visit our website https://www.jap.or.jp/  for more information.

Japanese Decoupage program での作品です。マレーシアから受講のために来日されたこちらの生徒さんは、デコパージュペーパーに美しいカキツバタを選ばれました。白木から丁寧に丁寧に作業を進めていかれ、金屏風の風合いの美しいベースに仕上げられました👍 是非学びたいと仰られた日本を意識したとても美しい作品に仕上がりました✨三日間お疲れ様でした☺️

Japanese Decoupage 3days Lessonは、三日間で、ペイント技術を学び、作品をひとつ作ります。



For decoupage arts lessons




For online shop Rose-rose-rose
