On the opening day (November 8 in Japan) I’m going to see it. But high expectations on the film would be no good.


Because totally or wholly new villain terminator like T-1000 in “T2” is impossible!

T-1000 was the liquid metal terminator. So, a new terminator must be a ‘Gas’ metal one. But it has Godlike powers. And also it can be anywhere in a blink. Therefore a Sarah or a John has no place to run or hide.

So, a new villain terminator has no choice to be a minor changed ones like T3, T4 and T5. And we don’t like it!!!

Finally I must add that in many occasions Godlike powers won’t work for villains. They should have a weak point like Achilles. And heroes must search their weak points and beat them by striking their weak points even if it was an accidental incident like “T2.”