ソフィー・ターナー主演+ジェシカ・チャスティン共演の”X-Men: Dark Phoenix”(オリジナル英語版):
It’s far better than my low expectations due to the bad reputations in the United States and the last awful one, “Apocalypse.” Though of course “First Class” and “Days of Future Past” are much superior than “Dark Phoenix.”

In the film Michael Fassbender shows his quality. But James McAvoy was given a thankless role. So he is struggling to show his quality.

Sophie Turner is OK as Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix. But sincerely I’d like Famke Janssen to play the role again even by using CG makeups like Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury in “Captain Marvel.” If so, it’s going to be a much better film.

Only Kodi Smith-Mcphee as Nightcrawler is outstanding among the young actors.

So my favorite “X-Men” franchise films are as the following order except “Wolverine” solo films including “Logan”:
“Days of Future Past - The Rogue Cut” > ”X2” = “First Class” > “Days of Future Past - The Theatrical Version” > “Dark Phoenix” > “The Last Stand” > “X-Men” >>>>> “Apocalypse”