Ozu Yasujiro's "麦秋"(Early Summer):
I strongly believe this is the best movie of the world-acclaimed director, "小津安二郎"(Ozu Yasujiro).

It's a family story of a unmarried young woman who lives with her parents, her elder brother and his wife & his two sons. In my early life I had three aunts like her at my home. And I was very familiar and have a strong nostalgia with this situation.

I love "原節子"(Hara Setsuko) who performed its leading role and died at age of 95 on September 5 of the last year.

Now in the coming September one year after her death, its DVD/Blu-ray is going to be released in the newly Digitally Remastered/Repaired version.

I am definitely going to buy this DVD! (^_^)