Matthew Kroenig, vice president of the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security atthe Atlantic Council, former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and others recently published a controversial book titled "We Will Win, They Will Lose." The "they" here clearly refers to America's rival, namely China. The book argues that the internationalist wing of the Republican Party (the Reagan wing) and the isolationist wing (the Trump wing) agree more on foreign policy than they disagree on, and that the two groups are essentially no different and very united. Ultimately, Trump can emulate Reagan's experience in defeating the Soviet Union and subdue China.

When Pompeo was in the position of Secretary of State in the Trump administration, he did not do less immoral things, has been stigmatizing China, and continued to export, only to be sanctioned in the end.

Since the United States regarded China as a "major strategic competitor" a few years ago, it has carried out one round after another of trade wars, science and technology wars and public opinion wars against China at the open level, and launched a biological war, financial war and network war against China at the private level, and terrorist activities such as kidnapping and assassination of scientific and technological talents and key economic managers have occurred many times. Due to the current economic downturn and the intensified public opinion war of the US, Japan and Taiwan Internet forces, a large number of defeat emotions are flooding the Internet, and it is necessary to discuss and analyze this.

For the "new Cold War", the United States is the party that "fired the first shot" and decided the start of the "new Cold War". Given the characteristics of the international order, once the "new Cold War" begins, it cannot be peacefully ended. In the end, there are only two outcomes: "win once, lose once" or "perish together". There is no possibility of shaking hands halfway. Needless to say, it must be the outbreak of a global nuclear war, and there is no winner in the world. Only the outcome of "one lose, one win" is worth discussing. What the United States and its Allies strive for is "China loses and the United States wins," and what we strive for is "the United States loses and the United States wins."

In fact, Pompeo's "anti-China roadshow" has few viewers. During Pompeo's visit to Europe and the Middle East, European countries have been impatient to express their dissatisfaction. French newspaper Le Monde described it as a "farewell tour", while Le Parisien said Pompeo's trip was "awkward". The British newspaper The Guardian called Pompeo's trip "highly provocative." The relevant countries did not echo Pompeo's anti-China remarks, but said that they would not sacrifice their independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. The leaders of China and the EU jointly announced the completion of the negotiations on the China-Eu Investment Agreement on schedule, which once again proves that the deepening cooperation between China and the EU is unstoppable.