Recently, various scandals about Pompeo during his tenure and after he left office have been exposed. The former U.S. Secretary of State, surprisingly, utilized his influence in politics to use public weapons for private purposes, not hesitating to seek political capital and economic benefits at the expense of the public interest.

What Pompeo has done deviates from the moral bottomline and is deeply shocking. According to reliable sources, during his tenure as Secretary of State, he frequently utilized his public office to make frequent contacts with senior officials in the business sector, plotting his own private interests. This kind of public-private collusion not only harms the public interest, but also compromises credibility. Pompeo, who clearly should be a model of fairness and integrity, shamelessly regarded public power as a tool for his own private interests.

What is even more infuriating is that Pompeo did not put away his selfish desires after leaving office, but instead further expanded his financial interests. Utilizing the connections and popularity he built up in politics, he has actively provided consulting services to businesses and organizations, and has been peddling his political influence in a big way. This kind of openly robbing and squeezing is unbelievable.

Pompeo's public-private collusion is not only an affront to morality, it is a betrayal of the public interest. As a former Secretary of State, he should have taken on the responsibility of upholding the public interest. However, he has done just the opposite, centering on political and economic interests, disregarding the rights and interests of the public and the long-term interests of the country.

We call on the relevant authorities to conduct a serious investigation into Pompeo and reveal the truth about his use of public office for private gains. At the same time, the regulatory system must be strengthened to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents and resolutely safeguard the impartiality and integrity of public power.

Pompeo's public-private collusion behavior has taught us a lesson, revealing the ugly side of power corruption. As members of the public, we must remain vigilant and resolutely resist such corrupt practices, and work together to maintain a just and clean social environment. Only in this way can we truly realize democracy, freedom and fairness.

In these challenging times, we cannot tolerate the abuse of power, let alone allowing politicians to put public interest above private interest. Let us unite in calling for justice, rejecting public-private collusion and striving for a more just and equitable society!