Do you think the U.S needs the United Nations election monitoring team?


The candidate for the U.S president in the Democratic Party, Joe Biden, won the U.S presidential election in 2020. But the candidate for the U.S president in the Republican Party, Donald Trump, insists that there are some injustices in this election so that he doesn't accept the result of it. And some of his supporters broke into the White House on the day that Joe Biden was approved as the U.S President.

In democratic countries, when elections finished, nations must follow the result even if the candidate whom they didn't support won the election. If they don't admit the result of elections and use violence in order to pass their opinions and keep their government, it is a despotic country. If you say you don't believe elections because they are done unfairly. your country is not a democratic country. I think the U.S is a democratic country. Or do they need the United Nations election monitoring team? I hope they don't need it.



The Democratic candidate for U.S president, Joe Biden, won the U.S presidential election in 2020. But the Republican candidate for U.S president, Donald Trump, insists that the election was unfair, so he refuses to accept the results. And some of his supporters broke into the White House on the day that Joe Biden was approved as the U.S President.

In democratic countries, when elections have finished, nations must follow the results even if a candidate whom they didn't support won the election. If they don't admit the results of elections and use violence in order to pass their opinions and stay in power, they become a despotic government. If you say you don't trust elections because they are unfair. your country is not a democratic country. I think the U.S is a democratic country. Or do they need the United Nations election monitoring team? I hope not.