stolen iPhone | ユリーカオフィシャルブログ「Yureeka's Castle: Work Hard, Play Hard」Powered by Ameba

stolen iPhone

My iPhone was stolen last night at TwoRooms.
I'm so so disturbed and saddened by this unexpected happening.
yeah, My fault for leaving it unattended (for a mere 5minutes) but come on, This is Tokyo, let alone aoyama :-( arienainess max!!

しかも、すぐにcallしてみたらalready the power was turned off!! fullバッテリーあったのは確実cuz I distinctly remember taking pics of my strawberry champagne... so someone must have manually turned it off.
Every hour since last night, religiously かけてもずっと留守電のまま。
I can't even track it.

there was this shady gaijin guy that was there who had taken my seat right after I left... who ran into the bathroom so abruptly, as staff members and I started to search the premise. ODD. I asked very lightly and so politely if he's seen my phone anywhereなのに、逆ギレしてきた感じがもうどう見ても怪しかった(>_<)but without proof, we couldn't search/interrogate him. 死ぬほど悔しい。

Unbelievable and so extremely sad >_<
今朝から午後まで、ソフトバンクとアップルのcustomer serviceに訪ねていろいろ聞いたけど、たぶんSIMカードを抜いて、本体を売る様なサギは海外でよくあるから、その可能性が高いのでは?だってあせる or to use the iPhone like an iPod. I mean it functions without having reception.
Gaaaaan. I'll buy my phone back from him if he's that desperate.って感じ。 I just want the memory!!

My photos of events/travels/people/cuisine/interests, memos of quotes/influential articles/research, chats, essays, drafts, data.... GONE.

I guess there are worse things that could happen so I'm not gonna dwell on this too long but still, iPhone = life. iCloud/backup なし。そもそもSIMカード抜かれたら終わりみたいだね。
soooo depressing. 悲しすぎる。涙

there's nothing I can do dayone?
