MORNING!! | ユリーカオフィシャルブログ「Yureeka's Castle: Work Hard, Play Hard」Powered by Ameba


水曜のことなんだけど、(my continuation of my Tuesday without sleep), my first meeting started at 10:30AM...晴れ We needed to discuss and assess the current Japanese market and the beauty scene/trend... and HOW we can "manipulate" that...口紅

12PM noontime (実際は一時間遅れのスタートだったdue to one of my partners being late cuz his previous meeting 長引いちゃった)、マイbilingual and super-great 薬剤師さんとDISCUSSION about issues/alternatives/planning for the futureをしました...キラキラ

2PM or so, headed for a quick lunchbreak at a nearby cafe that my manager took me toチューリップ黄EntranceにはいっぱいPLANTSがおいてあったりして、インテリアもかなりオシャレ虹With comfortable sofas and natural lighting, a nice広い空間 for dining and just relaxingヒマワリユリーカず~~~と起きてるから(しかも朝しっかりお鮨食べてきたから)そこまでHUNGRYじゃないはずが。。。 I ガッツリ had stirfried porkginger and rice (意味不明にお通しのPICは撮ったのに、メインのランチをスナップし忘れたビックリマーク) which wasなかなかコッテリbut GOOD. ahhahaha, STAMINA合格って感じ。


3PMにはMEETINGがSTART: いろんなTOPICSをCOVERしました~ラブラブ The best way of using media and its various forms, marketing, branding, selfproducing, etc etc... FUN STUFF音譜

I probaby got home past 6PM or so, TIRED as HELLショック!OFCOURSE I wouldnt pull an allnighter of drinkning and eating if I had an important presentation the next day or if I was meeting new people/clients... ひらめき電球butどっちにしてもI rerealized that the emphasis of BALANCE is key: work hard, play hard: yes, in theory, but maybe not such a good idea within a short timespan ( 24 hrs-48hrs...) cause realistically, it's simply physically exhausting得意げDUHHHHHだけどそれを再確認した一日でした~(笑)

I have learnt my lessonチョキ