A Chilled Out Sat Night... | ユリーカオフィシャルブログ「Yureeka's Castle: Work Hard, Play Hard」Powered by Ameba

A Chilled Out Sat Night...

I just got home. Sleepy... but I made a commitment to make this blog part of my daily regime, so I'm standing by my word! ...and so before I fall asleep, a quick update about my night: it was drizzling outside and I didnt feel my best, so called off plans of going to a party at AkasakaSakasu, and instead had a mellow night chillin with my sistersお月様. A light Italian din at Don Ciccio (will take pics next time!) and then off to our usual, お気に入りご近所バー。Relaxed environment, nice crowd, great service!

A few glasses of red wine and nutsの後に、for the first time, grilled sausagesオーダーしてみた。意味不明~。普段はBagna caudaなのに急にソーセージ!! でも普通に美味しくてGood!! あははは~。

OK, it's past 4AM so better hit the bed. Goodnightzzzzz!!
