1/19 | 子育て・仕事のゆるり日記



 I am so happy to know the fact that STARBUCKS is coming soon in my city, my husband sending me the newe article about it, that I cried out for joy in my car.


I've been a big fan of STARBUCKS since I was teenager.


The reason I've loved STARBUCKS so much is the memory I had with staff and my friends and so on.


I used to move the warm-hearted response of staff, talk for a long time with my old friends after school, study hard for the test,look back again in my life when I lost the way I should move forward and so on.  


STARBUCKS I used for the first time in my life was already gone and moved to the other area nearby in my hometown, but whenever I pass through around there I can remember the feeling I felt at that time at once.


I guess I don't use the new STARBUCKS so often because I would care about others who might be included my customers, but I'm looking forward to this so much.


That's all today.


Have a nice day:)