Q1 Recently there are rumors about degree mills in Tokyo University,is that true?

A1 Right.The limit remains as 3.000 people while the standard great deteriorated.

Q2 To be more specific?

A2 Attention-drawing graduates like Kenichiro MOGI really caused stirs. He graduated from the ”Tokyo Gakugei University Senior High School”, which is definitely not great enough to incubate candidates for Tokyo University. It's just a common school like the ones in the countryside, though it's located in Tokyo.

Q3 What do you think about Takafumi HORIE and Osam HAYASHI?

A3 I know the first one but Hayashi?Who's that?

Q4 Do you have any advice for students who aim to enter Tokyo University?

A4 Be global.I, myself have written articles based on the academic research from Duke University when I was only a junior high school student. And in high school grade 2, I read academic papers from Johns Hopkins University and Hawaii University.

Q5 Takafumi HORIE once mentined that the researching ability, the ability to reach wamted information in Google, is becoming more important than academic ability and background.

A5 That's something from someone I don't really know and I don't wanna comment on 
it, but to me that's like being productive only with googling things. You know Kim Peek? He is simply the ideal, the perfect. He creates the without googling.Mind should be trained like that.

Thank you very much for your valuable time.