I had a reharsal for an upcoming performance yesterday:)


Now I have a ballet class for adults in Ehime, and I've got a chance to perform with my students. It's been a while since I last performed. Therefore I'm so excited!


Besides I'm making its coreography all by myself this time, and  I'm in the middle of it. I really enjoy making it!!! Creating something is much more exciting than I thought.


I'm really happy to share what I love with others,

and I'm really happy to make money with what I love.


we have a lot to practice, we are going to try as much as possible!






私は今愛媛で大人のバレエクラスを持っていて、その生徒さんと一緒にパフォーマンスをする機会をいただきました❤️ 舞台に立つのは久しぶりなのでとてもわくわくしています♫





