I have a heavy stomach today because of the dish fried in garlic oil I ate yesterday
I cooked it at home but nobody in my family likes it so much, then I ate it all. No wonder I got a heavy stomach... I think I won't have it for a while.
BTW it's about time to decide many different things about LA.
First of all I need to decide when exactly I leave for LA. and second of all I need to decide where to live. I'm gonna stay there for 3 months.
I have no friends there though, Fortunately I got to know a man living in LA online. He is very kind to me, he gives me advise on LA staying. I really thank him!!
Nowadays I find it interesting that we can connect to many different people online:D
家で自分で作ったのだけど、うちの家族はそんなにアヒージョ好きじゃないので私が全部食べました。そりゃ胃もたれもするわ... もう当分は食べなくていいかな。